Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Beautiful Idols trilogy

Hello, and happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a great start to your week! Today I’m going to be reviewing the Beautiful Idols by: Alyson Noël.


Unrivaled by: Alyson Noël: In the race to be someone, Layla, Aster, and Tommy all have different dreams, but are aiming for the same goal: promote the hottest clubs to get the monetary reward at the end. But there are complications at play, namely Madison Brooks, one of Hollywood’s hottest stars. It’s race to see who will win the title, and the money. This novel was full of drama and over the top gossip. The plot of the novel was engaging, although there were definitely moments throughout that felt really clichéd and that went on for too long. The characters were meant to be these multi-dimensional characters but they just felt one dimensional. Noël tried to make them different and more than they were, but in the end they kind of all ended up being the same. In some ways, that was good because the reader didn’t see it coming, but in others it just felt really cheap. This novel ends on a cliff hanger to ensure that the reader reads on. The fact that this novel didn’t feel like it was over, despite the obvious cliff hanger, there were loose ends that didn’t get resolved, so the reader is still kind of curious. This was an interesting novel, and would definitely make it as the plot to a reality television show.


Blacklist by: Alyson Noël: Now that a-list celebrity Madison Brooks has gone missing, potentially murdered, Ira’s group of club promoters are suspected and must come together to see if they can locate her whereabouts. This novel had a case of the second book syndrome. To be honest this novel didn’t feel like it progressed the overall story arc. The plot for this novel felt like it could have been shorter, or it could have happened in the first or final book. The reader spent the whole novel wondering about one character because all the other characters were looking for her. Sure, we learned a little more about these characters but it still felt like there was no plot progression; we didn’t need over 400 pages of trying to locate one person. This novel felt like it drifted from the main plot of this trilogy, hopefully the last novel will get back on track. This novel had all characters come together and work together even if they didn’t want to. It felt like this was supposed to give us more character development, but it just left them doing the same thing over and over again. The reader is still semi-curious about how this trilogy will come to an end and to get some answers. As for this novel, it really didn’t feel like it was worth the time to read this.


Infamous by: Alyson Noël: The final novel in Beautiful Idols trilogy and it left the reader intrigued into finding out about all the scandals surrounding each of the characters and how they were going to get out of the situations they’re in. Layla has found herself in jail, Aster and Tommy have been detained too, all for the murder of It Girl Madison Brooks, who isn’t really dead but hiding a secret on one’s known about, until now. This trilogy ended with a bang, quite literally. This novel was fast-paced and definitely left the reader surprised at plots that took twists that came out of left field. Although the twists were interesting, the rest of the novel just felt like it was filled with filler to make it seem like there was a lot more going on, that was relevant to the story, then there actually was. Most of what was added didn’t advance the plot or character development. That’s not to say this wasn’t a compelling novel, it just felt longer than it needed to be. By this point, the characters are already established and the new things we found out about them didn’t seem to be as surprising or really do anything for them or the reader. There were a few parts where the reader was quite invested in their story arcs, but overall they didn’t really leave a lasting impression. The big reveal at the end felt like it was tacked on to give the ending a big show because there was never any mention to the plot going in the direction it did in any previous novel. It felt like with each passing novel, something new was added that had no baring to the last. This trilogy had its moments, but they were fleeting, which didn’t make these novels really worth it.

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