Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Dear Martin

Hello friends, happy Wednesday – I hope everyone is doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Nic Stone’s novel Dear Martin.

Dear Martin

Dear Martin by: Nic Stone: Justyce is a straight A student at a prestigious school, but when he gets arrested for trying to help his girlfriend, this awakens something within him. He looks to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr for guidance by writing him letters. But when he and his friend Manny get caught in the crosshairs of gunfire, Justyce starts to lose hope. For such a short novel, this sure packed a punch. This novel really hit home to systemic racism and brought to light a lot of issues that white people just gloss over. The plot was hard-hitting and opened the reader’s eyes to a world people of colour face. This novel was also filled with a lot of hope. The plot was really well done that had the reader going through a mix of emotions as well as it really let them get inside Justyce’s head to understand who is he. The characters were strong and stood out, some not for good reasons, but they all had this boldness to them that the reader couldn’t help but want to read more. All of their character arcs are really significant and their growth from start to finish was meaningful. Overall, this story was moving and definitely a need to read.

5 thoughts on “Review: Dear Martin

  1. I love the name Justyce, and I loved this review as well. Books that incorporate the element of real world issues always stand out to me so much. I can’t wait to read this book, gonna add this to my book list now :))

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