Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #9 πŸ’š

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 151
On page 11

The Dead Zone: I’m 28% of the way through; I feel like the novel is officially starting now… 5 chapters in, but it’s starting to pick up and I just want to continue!

Lastly, I’m reading Yiddish for Pirates by: Gary Barwin. I literally started this an hour ago and I have no feels on this just yet, but I’m hoping to get deeper into soon!

What I’ve Read:

I finished Pip Bartlett’s Guide to Unicorn Training by: Jackson Pearce & Maggie Stiefvater. I read the first book… uh 4 years ago πŸ˜… I figured I should continue with this trilogy, since I kinda forgot about it. This was fun, cute and full adventure and mystery. I had a fun time reading it and I look forward to reading the final book.

I finally finished The Return of the King by: J.R.R. Tolkien. I enjoyed this re-read of the series. I also really enjoyed reading the extras in the final book. The history of the world and the pronunciations of their languages and the time period guide. It really gave an in-depth background to the world.

Lastly, I finished The Undoing Project by: Michael Lewis. I forget how much I like reading non fiction. This book had me talking out loud to understand theories and the psychology behind our decision making and biases was so fascinating!

I read a total of 8 books and 2,991 pages in February.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #8 πŸ’—

Review: Still Me

Review: Dear Martin

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

CW @The Quiet Pond recommended 10 Black middle grade books and I need to get on reading middle grade because when I do read it, I really enjoy it.
Em/Zainab @Em’s Bookish Musings posted the last blog for the Black Experience talking about Black anger and it was impactful, just like the whole series has been. I’ve enjoyed reading this series and hearing these voices and stories

February went out on a nice note (even if rained here on the last day). I had a family breakfast Sunday morning, which was yummy and nice. March came in alright, the weather has been trying to warm up. I was told mid-week that I’ll have to go back into the office to clean out my desk, as I won’t have a desk when I return to work, whenever that may be. Our office is moving into agile workspace and I have to say I’m not a fan and am not looking forward to 1) cleaning my desk or 2) going back to that kind of situation. But what can I do? I spent a lot of this week thinking about it. I haven’t even been back since last March, which is crazy to think about.

A few positives from this week:
– family breakfast
– the Leafs have been on fire

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 5. I started the fifth season and Logan has been introduced… he’s always been my least favourite of Rory’s boyfriends, but I am very curious to see if my thoughts on him change. So far, his intro was so ugh. Lorlai and Luke though have been super cute!

One Tree Hill; season 3. I have a few epiosdes left of the season and I almost feel like I should write a whole blog post with all the feels I have, because woof, thoughts. In short, the school shooting episode always makes me emotional; then we have Pete from Fall Out Boy who shows up as Peyton’s love interest for a bit and, wow he can’t act and it kind of makes Hilary Burton a bad actor in those scenes – I hated it, which is funny because I loved it as a teen. It was every teen’s dream to have a rockstar fall for you, but wow how unbelievable it feels now.

Game of Thrones; season 8. So, technically I’ve watched this season, but I’m now on my second watch (as I watch every season twice) and I’m halfway through. I didn’t hate this season, I can see where people didn’t like certain plots, and that ending, wow I didn’t see coming, but I love watching this show a second time because you really appreciate the scenes more. There truly isn’t any other show I love as much as this one.

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. This show has always had this background plot with Jung not getting along with his father. Every once in a while we’ll get an episode where they almost get close but it just falls through and I have such a love/hate relationship with that storyline because they are so good, but I’m always screaming “noooo” because it always ends before they can actually make up.

Schitt’s Creek; season 3. I’ve finally started this back up. This show is hilarious, I have such a hard time watching less than 1-2 episodes at a time.

What I’ve watched:

I haven’t finished anything this week 😱

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

7 thoughts on “Weekly Update #9 πŸ’š

  1. I had to google agile workspace and I don’t think I would like it, either. I like my work at home situation with my 3 gigantic monitors. LOL Not sure how 3 monitors would work with agile.

    Hope you have a nice weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds pretty impressive! I currently have one large monitor and my laptop. We’re still trying to work out the logistics of it, lots of meetings this week!

      Thank you! I hope your weekend was lovely! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

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