Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Still Me

Hi friends, happy Monday and happy first day of March! How are we into the third month of the year already?! Today I’m going to be posting my review of the third novel in the Me Before You trilogy, Still Me by: Jojo Moyes.

You can read my review of books one and two: Me Before You & After You

Still Me

Still Me by: Jojo Moyes: Louisa Clark is ready to move on to the next stage of her life, by leaving London and starting a new job in New York City. This is a whole new world for her and the family she’s working for, the Gopniks, may not be as straightforward as it let on. When things get tough, she finds herself making friends in unexpected places and starting to rebuild herself. This novel was a nice send off to Louisa Clark’s character. It was good to be back in her world, even if she was in a new place. The emotional rollercoasters the reader went through really gave thought to who Louisa is and let her figure herself out and that was really special to be a part of. The story arc of Louisa was the perfect way to end her story because for the first two books the reader knew who she was with her job and all the people in her life, but this one really explored her as person. The plot twists throughout the novel, some the reader could see, whereas some were a complete surprise. There was a lot of drama in this story that eventually resolves itself, but it all felt very realistic, if not a bit petty. The characters that were in Louisa’s life were either very stereotypical or they started off as such but turned for the better, but each character was strategically placed to help her find herself. The reader couldn’t help but root for certain characters and wish good riddance to others. In the end, this was an enjoyable novel about self-discovery and the power of love, whether it be romantic, platonic, unconditional or self-love.

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