
The Versatile Blogger Award IV

Hi guys! Happy Thursday! I’m here with yet another scheduled post, and today I’m going to be posting the Versatile Blogger Award round 4! Thank you Lauren @Twenty-Seven Letters for tagging me. We are new blogging friends, but I still encourage you guys to follow her blog for her content.


  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Leave a link to their blog
  • Tell us 7 things about yourself
  • Nominate 15 bloggers/bloggers you’ve discovered recently or follow regularly I’m going to omit this as it’s the fourth time I’m doing this.
  1. This year was the first time I flew on a plane by myself… when I get back I’ll have to let you know how I felt about it. Currently, past me is nervous as hell.
  2. I usually like to do things right away, but as time goes by I seem to be hit  with the procrastination bug.
  3. I have a high intolerance of pineapples, which means I can no longer eat them. This has only happened in the last 5 years, so maybe it will reverse itself. 🍍
  4. I think my new favourite medical drama is ER, sorry Grey’s Anatomy, but there’s just something so good about the show that I love it. I love the characters, and the plots (except when my faves leave ☹️ )
  5. I’m going to steal this one from Lauren, I’m definitely geographically challenged. You ask me to go west, that means nothing to me, like at all. My dad told me to do that in the middle of the parking lot because I was trying to find him, and I’m like yeah ok. He goes follow the direction of the plane overhead, that’s west. 🙄
  6. I had, what I thought, was an unhealthy addiction to coffee, but I read an article that actually promoted caffeine today [when I say today I mean back in the beginning of June :P] and so now I don’t feel so bad for loving coffee as much as I do. My favourite time to consume coffee would be 8pm, don’t ask I just love it then! I would link the article but I have no idea how to from the health app on my phone 🙄
    I love this play on Adventure Time


  7. I live by Sarah Andersen’s comics. Anything she produces I’m like, you live in my brain because I have no idea how she gets me so. I had such a hard time choosing just one of her comics because they are so goooood!

And that’s a wrap my friends. Thank you again to Lauren for tagging me!

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