Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: P.S. I Like You

Hi guys! I’m officially back!! Whoo! 😊😬I have to say, traveling for two weeks is hella fun, but it’s also hella exhausting! I swear, I got back last Friday and I woke up Saturday feeling so hung over… and I didn’t even drink, damn jet lag! But I’m slightly back to normal… whatever that means 😂and I’m ready to bring you guys a review of Kasie West’s novel P.S. I Like You.

I read this on vacation, and I have to say this was the perfect read because it was so quick, easy and fluffy… I consumed it in a few short days!

P.S. I Like You

P.S. I Like You by: Kasie West: When Lily, bored in her chemistry class, starts doodling song lyrics on her desk comes to discover the next day someone has continued the lyrics, this leads to an anonymous pen pal and a furry of letters between them. All this time Lily assumes it’s a girl, but when anonymous slips and writes ‘him’ in a letter, Lily begins to flip out over who the mystery boy could be. This was definitely a cutesy type of romance; it was cute and fluffy and very easy to read. West’s writing is soft and gentile which makes it easy for the reader to dive in. The fact that this was so light made it easy for the reader to read in a few short sittings or all at once. The plot was any teenage girl’s dream, yet this novel did hold substance. This wasn’t just a novel solely focusing on the girl getting the boy, but on learning how to deal with people you don’t like and facing fears. It was really sweet and told really well, even if some of the storylines felt a little too perfect and a little too scripted. This novel didn’t feel like it took any time to get to the main plot and to figure things out. West didn’t waste the reader’s time trying to draw it out and that helped make this novel read good. The irony is not lost on the reader that this novel takes place in chemistry class. The characters were relatable and fun to read; they were dynamic and definitely thought out. Their backstories really stood out and the way that we got to learn more about them, through letters, was different and a bit of a breath of fresh air that worked really well. This was a fast-paced novel that was quick, cute and fun.

14 thoughts on “Review: P.S. I Like You

    1. Thanks! 😀 💞
      Haha, aw thanks, I’m going to take that as a compliment! 😛
      I feel you. I’ve been just trying to put words to a page and somehow I managed review some of my latest reads… I can’t really explain how I do anything I do 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Next month… which starts next week! 😛
      I’m glad you’re eager to see them! I gotta organize everything first! 😛 and I’ve been taking my time with everything!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Welcome back! I hope you were able to get some rest since coming back from your vacation, jet lag can be so annoying haha ❤
    I'm so happy you enjoyed this book! I've been meaning to read more books by Kasie West – I only read one so far, the distance between us, and I really enjoyed it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 🙂 I’ve been weirdly energized since I got back… I have no idea why or how but I’m going with it!
      It’s the strangest jet lag I’ve ever experienced! I hope your vacation doesn’t leave you with jet lag!
      Thanks! I would highly recommend this as your second book! This was my second Kasie West book and it was great! My first was the Fill in Boyfriend, I enjoyed this more!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh it will, not just yet but it will ahah not looking forward to that, but the trip will be worth it 😀
        Thank you so much, I’m glad to hear this 😀 can’t wait to read it!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. As long as the trip is all worth it right? 😀
        Yay! I hope you enjoy it! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! 😀


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