Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: An Ember in the Ashes Series

Hello, happy Wednesday. Today I’m going to be re-posting this blog post and adding my review of the final novel in the An Ember in the Ashes series by: Sabaa Tahir, A Sky Beyond the Storm.

It’s funny, I couldn’t stand the first novel, but the second & third I really enjoyed- go figure!

An Ember In The Ashes

An Ember in the Ashes by: Sabaa Tahir: Laia and Elias live separate lives, but are brought together due to the Martial Empire. Laia’s brother gets arrested fir treason, and she spends the majority of the novel trying to find him, and set him free. On the other hand, Elias is the best solider in school, and is sent to become the next Emperor. Their two lives cross, and it seems to be love at first sight. This novel was all right, nothing really jumped out at the reader that was extraordinary. The plot was generic, and at times felt like it was dragging on. It took chapters for plots and characters to develop. The writing was mediocre, and forgettable; it felt like there was too much purple prose that the plot got drowned in it. The romantic plotlines that were thrown in felt forced and dull. The novel ends a little depressing as the characters are leaving to still find Laia’s brother, which means there will be a sequel. After all this time, the reader expects to be farther along in the plot. Overall, this novel disappoints, and is just unoriginal.

A Torch Against The Night

A Torch Against the Night by: Sabaa Tahir: Laia and Elias are on the run from Empire Marcus. Fighting to save her brother from the Kauf prison, the two must work together, and as much as Elias wants to help it could mean giving up his freedom. The novel takes the reader on a journey through these character’s lives and struggles to get what they want, namely getting Darin, Laia’s brother, back. The plots are a lot better than the first novel; they are engaging and exciting, they leave the reader wanting more, as well as they suck they reader in. The different points of view really help to get inside the character’s heads to find out motives. It was good to see points of view from both the good side and the bad side to get an even a whole sense of what’s going on. It helped plots move that much better, and also left things in a shocking manner. The characters are definitely growing and developing as they are so much better than in the first novel; characters aren’t as boring and romantic plotlines are kept to a minimal, which really works out. The writing is a lot better. This novel shows Tahir’s writing has merit and is quite good.

A Reaper at the Gates

A Reaper at the Gates by: Sabaa Tahir: Helene, who is now the Blood Strike is all about protecting her sister as danger is hiding around every corner. On the other side is Laia who has her own battles to face, stopping the Nightbringer because their future relies on it. Lastly, there is Elias who has given everything up to become the Soul Catcher living in between the living and the dead. This novel was full of action; from the moment this novel started the plot just took off and ran. Chapter after chapter the story kept getting better and better. It also helped that Tahir’s writing was very well done; it was gripping and captivating. Her characters were also well created. Never once did they feel boring or tiresome; they were the complete opposite, very well rounded, very badass and very enjoyable to read. The way her characters all somehow revolved and interacted with one another was extremely well done. This was another great instalment to this series. Tahir has set things up nicely for the final book, leaving the reader excited.

A Sky Before the Storm by: Sabaa Tahir: The Nightbringer is out for vengeance and with Keris Veturia by his side they set out to destroy anyone who defies them, especially The Blood Shrike and her remaining family. Laia of Serra has partnered with the Blood Shrike to help take down the Nightbringer. Meanwhile, in the Waiting Place the Soul Catcher seeks love and forgiveness but he may have to go on a mission to save the ones he loves. This novel was a whirlwind of a final novel. The reader never knew what to expect or what was going to be thrown at them which made this novel shocking and full of surprises. It was a thrilling ride that the reader felt bittersweet about this series coming to the end. The plots were so well developed and well thought out; one minute would be a high note, the next could be a low moment and through it all it was never dull. This novel was so fast-paced that the reader found it hard to put down. The characters also really made this novel great. Their overall arcs really showcased who they were and the way Tahir interwove all their plots and stories were so good. The only thing that really bothered the reader was the fact that these characters went by multiple names or titles and at times the reader would get confused who was being referenced or who was being talked to and that took the reader out of the story a bit as they tried to figure it out. But that aside, this was a solid novel. The ending was so nicely tied off and left the reader feeling happy for these characters after everything they’ve been through. The writing was also exquisite and just flowed really nicely.  All in all, this was a captivating and intense read.

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