Photography · The Every Day Life

Photo Blog: To Greet Every New Day That May Come, Like the First of Spring

Hello everyone! It’s finally Friday! I can’t tell you the kind of week I’ve had, but gosh it’s good that it’s finally the weekend! What I can tell you is what kind of Spring I had!

This season is shorter than usual. I didn’t really post much, I’m going to try and rectify that now that summer is here. If you follow me on Instagram (@meghan___murphy) you’ll notice I’ve been really utilizing the Instagram stories; I find them so fun!

Alright so in this blog you’ll see photos of:

  • Books! Although there are less this time. I started off strong, and then I just fell off the wagon.
  • I’ve really been getting into beer now that the warmer weather is here! 🍻
  • My very first knitting project. I finally completed my scarf!
  • A snapshot of my trip to Atlanta!
  • My first time having High Tea, it was fun- if you couldn’t tell.
  • After we went to see Solo: A Star Wars Story, we all went out to a dessert cafe for some yummy desserts!
  • I ended Spring, and kick started my summer by going to a concert: Paramore.

Thanks for viewing! πŸ™‚

10 thoughts on “Photo Blog: To Greet Every New Day That May Come, Like the First of Spring

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