Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Ringer

Hi friends, happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Lauren Oliver’s novel Ringer, the sequel to her novel Replica.

You can read my review of the first book: Replica


Ringer by: Lauren Oliver: When Gemma finds out the truth behind her father’s plans for Lyra and Caelum, she and Pete leave in the middle of the night to save them, only to realize there are more replicas that escaped Haven than they thought. Meanwhile, Lyra is getting sicker and Caelum is regretting escaping Haven as they don’t feel they fit in. He takes off leaving Lyra to follow him wondering if there is a cure for her illness. This novel was definitely action packed, but it was missing that addicting and encapsulating thing that the first novel had. This novel closed off the story of Gemma, Lyra and the replicas and it just didn’t feel as epic as the previous novel. This was still written really well and the topics of what makes a human a human and extensional plots were really fascinating and thought provoking. The reader thought the way Gemma’s story would end would be more grand than it was, but the way Lyra’s story ended sorta made up for it. In the end, they both got an ending the reader felt they deserved. It was an entertaining journey to watch these two characters grow and become better people, even the secondary characters really became personable and the reader enjoyed reading their growth and dynamics. This duology was really well written and put together; it really made the reader think about humanity and the way we live. This was a fun sci-fi novel that was creative and captivating.