Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: You Know Me Well

Hello everyone, happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Nina LaCour & David Levithan’s novel You Know Me Well.

Wooooof, I was not prepared for this novel. As much as I loved it, w-o-w was I not ready. Although, it’s exactly the kind of story I want to read these days, man, tears… from my eyes, how I still have eyes is a wonder. Enjoy my review.

You Know Me Well

You Know Me Well by: Nina LaCour & David Levithan: Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for a whole semester without knowing the other. When the last week of their high school career arrives, the two become closer than they ever thought possible. As the two navigate through their own problems, the two are able to be there for one another. For a story that was told in such a short period of time (page count and this story spanned a week) it sure packed a punch. This novel was about finding yourself, not just your sexual orientation, but in life and what your passions are. It was a great example that life is messy and we don’t always choose what we want or that we don’t always get the love interest, and that’s okay. The lessons were so relatable and it was heart aching. The way this was broken into two stories that cross and weave through one another was great. It made for some really good storytelling because the reader really got to know the characters well because like their plots and lessons, they were also relatable. They could have been flushed out a little more, but in the time frame that the reader spends with them it works. The writing was good, and it flowed well; sometimes it flowed so well that the reader forgot who’s point of view they were reading. The gay rep in this novel was powerful and prominent and just surrounded by so much love. This novel was a force to be reckoned with as it went from heartbreak to an uplifting read in such a short time. This was definitely a good read.

11 thoughts on “Review: You Know Me Well

  1. This is a lovely review! I’m reall yhappy to hear you enjoyed this book so much – I agree that, for being set in such a short period of time, it still managed to deal with a whole lot of things ahah. I really liked it, too! 🙂

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