Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Darkdawn

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday! I think this may be the first time I post a review on a Tuesday… look at me being a rebel for the month of March! 😂Today I’m going to be posting my review of Jay Kristoff’s last book in the Nevernight Chronicles, Darkdawn.

Review of book one: Nevernight
Review of book two: Godsgrave


Darkdawn by: Jay Kristoff: Mia is on the run, and is up for one last journey with her lover, her brother and a ghost from her past. Together they must travel across the Republic, as Truedark approaches, to seek out the answers that Mia has been dying for all this time before it’s all too late. For an ending to a trilogy this was done really well; everything was wrapped up and didn’t leave the reader guessing. Everything ended on a pretty good note, even if the reader wasn’t sure that was going to be the case. The plot was good, there was a lot of action and character reveals and betrayals; it was all very intense and left the reader engaged. The only thing that drove the reader crazy was the fact that Kristoff spent a lot of time having his characters read and write this story as if these books exist in their world, which didn’t feel like a clever plot device and it took the reader out of the actual story being told. That aside, his characters were so good; Mia could be so relatable at times and watching her struggle was so heartbreaking yet such a thrill to read because the reader wanted to see where her story would take her. Even the secondary characters were interesting to read about and enhanced the plots. This novel was a good send off to their story. This trilogy, as a whole, was definitely something different and a fun journey to be on.

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