Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Godsgrave

Hello everyone, happy Monday… I am happy because this was a Monday I didn’t have to go to work, Happy Family Day to my Canadian friends!
Today I’m going to be posting my review of Godsgrave by: Jay Kirstoff.

This is book two in the Nevernight Chronicle.
Click here for book one’s review: Nevernight



Godsgrave by: Jay Kristoff: Mia is still on her quest for vengeance, now she has found her place with the Blades of Our Lady of Blessed Murder, even though some think she hasn’t earned her place there. All she wants is to take down the men who destroyed her family, but this is getting harder and harder with every turn she’s told different things, while motives begin to be questioned. In the end it all comes down to a choice, but what will she choose. What a second novel! Everything from the plots, the writing, the characters and that ending left the reader in awe. The plots were so well done; if there wasn’t an amazing action scene happening, witty banter was happening, and the romance in this novel was just so good. Seeing the characters give in to love and fall hard, it was all so masterfully crafted. Kristoff’s writing is different because he’s blunt and honest and he writes so unapologetically. Half the time the reader is curious where he gets some of the things he writes; he definitely has wit down pat. His characters go through so much that it’s definitely a roller coaster adventure that we go on with them. These characters continue to grow and develop as the story goes on and the reader has a lot of fun reading along. They’re definitely memorable characters. Lastly, that ending was shocking and of course ended on a cliff hanger that leaves the reader wanting more because there are so many unanswered questions. For a second novel, this was wildly entertaining and beautifully written.