Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: My Calamity Jane

Hello friends and happy Monday! Today I’ll be posting my review of the third novel in the Lady Janies trilogy by: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows, My Calamity Jane.

You can read my review of book one: My Lady Jane
You can read my review of book two: My Plain Jane

My Calamity Jane

My Calamity Jane by: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows: It’s 1876 Frank and Jane are part of Wild Bill Traveling Show, while hunting garou (werewolves) on the side. When a garou hunt goes wrong, Jane finds herself bitten; freaking out over what she should do she heads to Deadwood for the cure. Annie ends up joining their crew after looking for a job as a sharpshooter but gets involved in the hunt to help save Jane. Based on real people and loosely based on events that happened this novel ended up being a pretty good read. The reader didn’t expect much going in, but was pleasantly surprised by the story. The plot was fast-paced and easy to follow along with. The queer plotline was a nice addition to the story, even if it wasn’t accurately depicted, it didn’t feel too forced. What did feel somewhat forced was the addition of the native American storyline, especially for the time period that this book was set. What felt really forced was the humour; the narrators kept chiming in with little bits and future facts that had no bearing to the story that it felt out of place and just wasn’t funny. Sometimes they would go off on tangents that, again, really had no point to the story and bored the reader. Aside from that though, the whole hunting werewolves “garous” plot was fun and entertaining. The characters were fun and overall light and fluffy. As much as they all do go through a lot from beginning to end, they were always written with this air of lightness and that everything was always sunny. The three main characters were definitely memorable with very distinct personalities that kept the story interesting throughout. Overall, this was better than expected and left the reader amusingly surprised.

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