
Totally Should’ve Book Tag II

Hi guys, and happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be doing yet another tag… I don’t know what’s been going on the past couple weeks but everybody has been tagging me for things (which I’m totally grateful for! 💞) so today I’m going to be doing the Totally Should’ve book tag. I was tagged by Kiara @The Nerdy Bibliophile, thanks so much girl!

As I was writing and answering this, I thought it sounded familiar… I have done this before 2 years ago, but I’m down to do tags more than once… let’s see if my answers have changed… take a look here!

1. Totally should’ve gotten a sequel

I’m sitting here trying to think, and if I’m being honest I love stand-alones, but maybe On the Come Up because I’d love to see where Bri ended up with her rapping career!

2. Totally should’ve had a spin-off series

I’d love for a spin-off series of the Kopp Sisters series, the books are based around Constance, but I’d love to have spin offs of her sisters they are hilarious!

3. An author who totally should write more books

Any one of these authors: Maggie Stiefvater, V.E. Schwab, Rick Riordan, Roshani Chokshi, etc. etc.

4. A character who totally should’ve ended up with someone else

I don’t think I have an answer for this one… sorry!

5. Totally should’ve ended differently

I wish that The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants had ended differently, but I understand why it had to be that way… still so sad!

6. Totally should’ve had a movie franchise

Any of Kasie West’s books… I’d eat those up.

7. Totally should’ve had a TV show

Wouldn’t the Carval trilogy be a beautiful TV show!

8. Totally should’ve had only one point of view

I’m going to go with the Mirror Thief by Martin Seay. Not only was the whole novel confusing for me, but the whole different places called Venice and the characters who lived there, their stories all coming together, just ehh.

9. Totally should have a cover change

The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann. I’m just not a fan of them.

10. Totally should’ve kept the original covers

The Rebel of the Sands trilogy changed covers midway and I’m like ehhhh. I got to read the first one in the old (which I think is the UK cover) then the last two changed over.

11. Totally should’ve stopped at book one

I have a thing with reading everything and finding out how things end, but in the case with Richelle Mead’s The Glittering Court trilogy, I didn’t have to read what felt like the same story three times in different perspectives.


Alright, since this is my second time doing this, and I’m horribly lazy I’m not going to tag anyone. If anyone wants to do this, feel free to go ahead and count yourself tagged! 🙂

14 thoughts on “Totally Should’ve Book Tag II

    1. Right?! Ah, we can only hope!
      But I do suggest one of her books because they are so sweet and fluffy and they fill your heart with joy! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. HA! Okay, so I’ve only read two but I would say read this one, P.S. I like you, because I liked more than The Fill in Boyfriend.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Right?! Haha! I’m glad you see it too! Would be an amazing show!
      Ah that’s a good idea. It’s weird we started with the I guess UK covers but then they transformed into the US covers, the author is Canadian so I don’t know why we have both 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Uuuh, the Caraval TV show! Where do I sign up???
    And I kinda like the redesign of the Rebel of the Sands, it reminds me of Assassin’s Creed. Especially the third one.

    P.S. I still need to do the ones you tagged me in. I’m horrible at doing book tags… but they will be coming this month! I promise! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, right!? 😀
      Yeah, they aren’t totally bad, I just didn’t care for them.
      Oh, haha no worries! 😀 Do them whenever your heart desires! 🙂

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