Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Red Scrolls of Magic

Hello and happy Wednesday! I’ve made it halfway through the week; I don’t know about you, but my jet lag has been so strange. The mornings are the worst and by the afternoon I’m full of energy… so weird!
I hope you all are having a fantastic week! Today I’m coming at you with a review of Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu’s novel The Red Scrolls of Magic.

Okay, so don’t hate me, but I really couldn’t get into this novel. Maybe it was because I was on vacation and tired, but usually I love her books on vacation but this wasn’t my favourite. 🙁

The Red Scrolls of Magic

The Red Scrolls of Magic by: Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu: All Alex and Magnus wanted was a simple quiet vacation to Paris to get to really know one another. But, instead an old friend of Magnus’ stops by with a mission for them to stop a demon-worshipping cult, the Crimson Hand, that was created by Magnus himself, many, many years ago. Now the two must dive into this adventure head first and face demons, while distinguishing friend from foe. This was an alright novel in the Shadowhunter universe. This novel was set years before the Mortal Instruments series ended and now we’re getting to explore character relationships and dynamics deeper than before. The plot was just alright; it felt very dense and not as engaging and captivating as past novels. This took the reader a little bit of time to really get into. Once the reader did get into it, it was good and easy to follow, there was just something that felt like it was missing to make it as easy a read as it normally is. The characters are definitely some that readers already know and love, and it was really nice to see them off on their own. It was nice to see them becoming into their own, where we didn’t get to see much of that in the main novels. The dynamics between characters was also really well done. The size of this novel was a good size because it was enough for the reader to get what was happening and for everything to be resolved. Although there is going to be more books added after this, it leaves the reader wondering what Clare has up her sleeve, other side character stories perhaps. Either way, this was a short read that was, for the most part, pleasant to read.

12 thoughts on “Review: The Red Scrolls of Magic

    1. Right?! I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling this way! I’m hoping the second book will be better… I have still yet to read Ghosts of the Shadow Market so I’m hoping that is better! 🙂

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      1. I so want to read that book. When it comes to CC novellas into books, I never read any of them. I want to, but like I don’t know why I haven’t picked them up yet

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  1. Too bad that you didn’t enjoy this book that much. I was the complete opposite. I finished The Red Scrolls of Magic a few days ago and completely adored it! 😀 This book just made me smile so much and I had a lot of fun reading it. I think it’s because I care more about the Downworlders than the Shadowhunters? But who knows. Great review! 🙂

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    1. I’m glad you really enjoyed it! I wish I could say the same but I don’t know. I’ll try the second book and hopefully it’s better. I also picked up Ghost of the Shadow Market so I hope i enjoy that more.
      Maybe, I don’t know which characters I enjoy more, and Magnus is my favourite so I don’t know why I didn’t like it. 😕

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