WWW Wednesday #37 📝

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 110
On page 100







Always and Forever, Lara Jean: I’m 33% of the way through; I’m liking this book just like the first two. I’m going to be sad when I finish this!
Lastly, I’m reading Get A Life, Chloe Brown by: Talia Hibbert. Guys I’m finally reading this!!! Sadly, I feel a reading slump coming on so I don’t feel like I’m enjoying this as much as I know I want to. It’s totally me and not the book.


Last week I finished quite a number of reads!



Firstly, I finished The Secret Commonwealth by: Philip Pullman. That was a journey… this book was just over 600 pages, and for the most part I enjoyed it. I liked the way the plots weaved into one another; but that ending I just didn’t like the way it ended. I will go into more detail in my review.

Next, I finished P.S. I Still Love You by: Jenny Han. AHH! This book was just as cute as the first. I flip-flopped between liking Peter and not liking him this book, but that just shows his character developments. This had really great writing. I’m sad I only have one book left!

GUYS! I think this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for… I finished The Stand by: Stephen King!!! 39 weeks, 2 chapters a week. It was a long journey; I’m happy that I went on the journey and excited to start my next King novel. More of my thoughts on the book will be up Friday when I wrap up all my thoughts!

Lastly I finished One Dark Throne by: Kendare Blake. I’m so torn with this series! I finished this and part of me was like, what’s the point? But another part was like, what is going to happened next? So I made the decision to pick up the next book to see where this is going, so below you’ll see I’ve added it to my list.


I’ve had a few weeks where I haven’t added anything and this week I’m back with some new titles to add to my list! I came back from the library an hour ago and picked up 4 books! Like I mentioned before I’m going to continue with the Three Dark Crowns series so I picked up Two Dark Reigns by: Kendare Blake. I loved Replica when I read it last month so I picked up Ringer by: Lauren Oliver. Another Day in the Death of America by: Gary Younge was on my list so I’m intrigued. Lastly, I picked up The Notebook by: Nicholas Sparks which I read years ago but I never wrote a review for it. I’ve wanted to clean up my Goodreads and ensure I have a review for all my read books so I’m starting with this!

Books from last week:

So You Want to Talk About Race by: Ijeoma Oluo
A Blade so Black by: L.L. McKinney






What are you all reading?

7 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #37 📝

    1. Thanks! It definitely makes the over 1000 pages manageable, but it does make the journey long.
      Oh I’m so enjoying them, they are so cute! 😊


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