Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Poet X

Hi friends, happy Monday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Elizabeth Acevedo’s novel The Poet X.

The Poet X

The Poet X by: Elizabeth Acevedo: Xiomara is a teen who uses poetry as a way to understand the world. Navigating her life trying to be the good daughter who goes to church and doesn’t date boys, but also wanting to explore that part of herself. This was a beautiful coming of age story about how showing off her poetry let Xiomara blossom and become her true self. The journey wasn’t easy but it was an important one to explore. The way Xiomara kept questioning everything in her life was a great way to get to know her and a great way to watch her grow into the person she was going to become. Xiomara’s journey on figuring herself out was just so raw and beautifully written. The secondary characters all play very big rolls in her life and they were all really well-crafted and developed. This novel packed a punch, hitting on so many important topics, such as body imagine, sexuality, and religion just to name a few. The plot was so well executed and so well written. Written in verse, this novel felt so open and it really let the reader in to who Xiomara was. Readers may not relate to everything in this novel, but the words are so powerful that they speak volumes that it doesn’t have to be relatable to fall in love with it. This was a hard-hitting, yet fast-paced novel that took readers on a rollercoaster of emotions.

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