Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: A Monster Calls

Hello, happy Friday friends! Today I’m going to be posting my thoughts of the movie A Monster Calls.

I read this book years ago, and when I saw that the movie was on Netflix… because I didn’t make it out to the theatre to see it, oops, I couldn’t not watch it. This was just as beautiful a movie as it was a book.

A Monster Calls

A Monster Calls: Based off the novel by the same title, when Conor’s mother becomes ill he realizes he must step up and do things for his mother, as no young boy should. He finds it harder and harder to cope; it’s not until one day a monster shows up and Conor finds himself befriending the monster who teaches Conor a lot of important life lessons. This film took the novel and definitely brought it to life, giving so much meaning to such a bleak situation. The film was so well put together, blending live action with animation, it tells the story in the simplest, yet the most visually appealing way. The viewer can’t help but stare in wonder at the way the story is laid out, and the actors who bring the story to life just shine, creating a masterpiece. As much as this is a sad film, the viewer didn’t expect to feel as much as they did. This film wasn’t even dialogue heavy, and yet so many emotions were just captured in looks and the way scenes were filmed. This was definitely a hard-hitting, and emotional film filled with little bits of goodness amongst all the sadness. This was a beautiful, and imaginative journey through sorrowful circumstances.

11 thoughts on “Movie Review: A Monster Calls

  1. I didn’t know the movie adaptation was on Netflix! I need to check that out because I loved the book but still need to see the film.
    I’m glad you enjoyed this one Meghan, it sounds like an emotional film which is good because the book had me in tears by the end so I’m glad the adaptation has kind of stayed true to that you know?
    Great review. 🙂 ❤️

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    1. It’s on the Canadian one, I’m not too sure about any other country’s Netflix… I find it so annoying that every country has different content 🙄I hope it’s on the UK Netflix!
      Oh, it was very emotional… and I knew it was going to be sad, and I was prepared for it, but I really wasn’t. It did stay true to the book, from what I remembered as I did read it years ago!
      Thank you Beth! 😀 ❤️

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