Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Saving Hamlet

Hello friends, happy Monday, I hope you are all doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Molly Booth’s novel Saving Hamlet.

Saving Hamlet

Saving Hamlet by: Molly Booth: Emma is about to put on her first ever performance of Hamlet, but things keep going wrong. Then one day she falls into the trap floor one of her friends created, accidentally sending her to the sixteenth century at the Globe theatre, in time for their performance of Hamlet too. Now Emma is thrust into helping put that production on as well as her own. Filled with time travel and Elizabethan English, this novel was fascinating. This was a very unique premise for a story and left the reader curious where the story was going to go. Even though this had a fun and different plot, there was still something missing that made this an amazing novel. The plot definitely had a lot of highs and lows that kept things interesting and the reader on their toes. This was fast-paced and the chapters were short, which helped the reader fly through the story. The characters were good and their arcs were believable, but the reader had a hard time connecting with them. They felt slightly two dimensional and it felt like the author didn’t spend enough time with them, honing and letting the reader get to know them. It felt like we jumped from character to character with a basic understanding of who they were. The reader wanted to like them, but they just fell flat. Aside from the characters, this was a really compelling novel that fans of Shakespeare would enjoy.

5 thoughts on “Review: Saving Hamlet

  1. That’s a shame about the character aspect of the book, the plot sounds really good! I love it when a person in a book travels to another time similar to the reader escaping into it all ✨. Great review! 💕

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    1. Thank you!! Yeah I just didn’t connect with the characters too much, but it was definitely really interesting. I hope, if you decide to read it, that you enjoy it! 🥰

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