Personal Ramblings

Bony’s 2021 Bookish & Personal Goals

Hi friends, first off Happy New Year! 🎊 Can you believe that we are in 2021? I can’t! I’m truly hoping for a better year. 2020 was just trash fire and not a good way to start a new decade so I can only hope that in 2021 things will look up. Today I’m going to be setting some goals for myself so join in me in looking at what I plan to accomplish in 2021!

I’ve been making goals for myself for the past few years now and I’ve actually enjoyed looking back and trying to accomplish something, so I’m going to continue in 2021. Last year I found I made my goals kinda vague, if I’m being honest I think I made the ones before that even more vague, so this year I’m going to try and be as specific as possible!

Bookish Goals

Participate in the Goodreads Challenge & Beat the Back List Challenge. Every year I participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge and this year will be no different. I’ve pledged to read 95 books this year.
Alongside the Goodreads reading challenge, I want to loosely participate in the Beat the Back List Challenge. I saw the prompts and thought it would be fun to check off as I go. Most of the books I read in any given year are backlisted books so I feel pretty confident that I’ll be able to at least cross off half of the prompts. I guess we’ll see how it goes when I check-in in July.

Read More Diversely. Last year I challenged myself to read more Canadian content and well… that flopped so hard. What I do think I can be better at is reading more diversely. I’m not going to set myself a numbered goal; I want to just see if by the end of the year I can beat my mid-year number.

Bookstagram More. I don’t even know if you can use ‘bookstagram’ as a verb, but here we are. Just after the mid-way point last year I jumped back into bookstagram and I’d like to keep it up! My goal is to try and post a photo a day… I’m a little weary about that because I don’t think I can do it, but we’ll see. This also ties into a personal goal of mine for this year and that’s taking more photos, but I’ll elaborate further down.

Follow More Blogs. Not only do I want to try and follow more blogs, but I want to interact and be more engaging on my blog.

Start Weekly Updates. So for the year 2021, I’m going to try out weekly updates instead of monthly ones and see how well it goes. I want it to correspond with my bookstagram. So basically in my weekly updates what I’d like to accomplish is this:

  • it’ll be a combination of my monthly wrap-ups & my WWW Wednesday posts, so you’ll get a reading update from me, what I’ve read and what I’m currently reading
  • what I’ve watched and what I’m currently watching
  • links to my past week’s blog posts and links to other bloggers posts I’ve liked
  • my Instagram photos for the week + any personal updates I’d like to share

Yes this sounds like a VERY lofty goal, but I’m willing to give it a try. Who knows what will happen.

Personal Goals

Ride My Bike More. I’m pulling this one straight from last year. Last year I didn’t touch my bike once, so 2021, I’m looking at you to be better.

Be More Active/Healthier. Last year I had this as a goal and well, it was really vague so I’m putting a twist on it. My goal will be to still be more active but in these ways:

  • Go for a walk at least 3 times a week. Every day seemed like a recipe for failure for me, so giving myself at least 3 days of the week seems really doable.
  • Ride my bike at least once a week (weather permitting). Yes I’m adding this here too because I WILL get on that bike!
  • Continue to stretch every morning. This is something I’ve been doing for the past few years and I think it’s a great way to wake up in the morning and I’d like to continue with it.

In order to be more healthier these are my goals:

  • Drink at least 4 glasses of water a day. Seems simple in hindsight but in actuality can be quite difficult. Sometimes I just forget to drink water!
  • Eat fruit/or veggies once a day. Most days I’m really good with this, the weekends I’m trash at eating decently
  • Try to eat from all four food groups every day. I was going to try for every meal and THAT would have been a very lofty goal, at least if I get it every day that’s better than nothing.

Continue doing my favourite hobbies. I’m going to make a list again because I liked that format last year.

  • Knit a blanket. I’ve been very focused on making scarves and really when you think about it, a blanket is a large scarf so I think I can do it.
  • Take more photos. This relates to my bookstagram goal above. I want to take more photos and not only post photos of books but photos of my life to remember my years better.
  • Bake at least once a week. I don’t know if I’ll do this but it’ll hopefully give me some inspiration to pick up baking.
  • Continue French with Duolingo. I was really good at this last year, so this year I’d like to continue.

Work on me. I’d just like to be a better person and to work on self care. This one is vague and I know it, but we’ll just see what this year has to throw us before I make concrete plans here.

And that’s a wrap on the goals I’d like to accomplish this year! What are some of your goals?

14 thoughts on “Bony’s 2021 Bookish & Personal Goals

  1. Good luck on all of your bookish and personal goals Meghan! I know you can do it! πŸ’• I might steal some (like drinking water haha) because they are pretty great and healthy! πŸ˜‚ Great post as usual πŸ₯°

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Karla! ❀️ Nothing but good things come from drinking more water! I hope you pick up some good, healthy habits this year!
      Thanks again! πŸ’žπŸ˜Š

      Liked by 1 person

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