Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #48 πŸ–Š

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 727
On page 305

The Bachman Books; 78% of the way; I started reading The Running Man this week and I feel like we’ve been dropped into the middle of the story. All I know is it takes place in the future and the main character is being examined for some reason.

Lastly, I’m reading Radio Silence by: Alice Oseman. I am loving this book, I don’t know how much I’m loving how it’s told because it’s a mix of past and present all wrapped up together so it gets me confused as to what is happening when, but I love everything else about this!

What I’ve Read:

Last week I read Miss Kopp Investigates by: Amy Stewart. This one was slow to start but I did end up enjoying this – not as much as previous books, but it was still good.

I also finished Frost Blood by: Elly Blake. This was a really simple fantasy and I enjoyed that. I also really liked the whole frost and fire and how these two elements come together to either be together or destroy each other. It’s really interesting and original.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #47πŸ”Ž

Review: The Women in the Castle

Let’s Talk About… ER Season Fourteen

Review: Sunflower Sisters

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Joana @Bookneeders posted a great blog on baking book recommendations – I need all the inspiration I can get to bake again!

I’m finally feeling much better than the following week. My week started with me going to see a friend I haven’t seen since before the pandemic. We went to look at Christmas lights, it was a lot of fun!

Aside from that, my week has been very low-key and after the week I had last week I’m quite okay with that!

I also found out yesterday that the concert I was supposed to go to next Friday has been canceled due to the crew and now the act testing positive. That’s very unfortunate; I’m glad to hear that the shows will be rescheduled for next February, I just hope he and the crew are ok.

What I’m watching:

Star Trek: Enterprise; season 2. I’m back on the train of being like, this isn’t doing it for me. I’m not as excited to watch this every night and that makes me sad because I was so obsessed with it a month ago. We’re finally getting epiosdes that are off the ship but they still aren’t hitting the mark in which this show can hit. I hear that seasons 3 and 4 get better so I’m holding out hope because I’m getting closer to finishing this season.

The Movies That Made Us; season 1. I’ve become slightly obsessed with this show and I’ve only seen 3 epiosdes, granted season 1 and 2 are 4 epiosdes long. But learning about all the history and backstory to some of the most iconic movies is wild. I love stuff like this!

What I’ve watched:

Long Shot; re-watch. I watched this earlier this year and had a blast so when my friend wanted to watch a movie we put this on; this doesn’t disappoint, just as good as the first time around.

Sex Education; season 2. WHAT was that ending?! Holy I’m glad I have season 3 waiting for me to watch because W-O-W. That whole scene with Adam bursting through the school play to declare his – I don’t want to say love because he just asks Eric to hold his hand, which is the sweetest thing, UGH! But then there’s Eric’s boyfriend… I really like him, but when Eric’s mum says he doesn’t make him sparkle UGH!!! My heart. THEN Maize’s new friend, what a manipulative little piece of s**t!! OMG I hate this guy SO much. First he drives her mum away… now not Otis! I love the pansexual rep we get with Ola, uh my heart. And the arc they had with Amy and the bus, tears, wow it was so well handled and so good. I LOVE THIS SHOW ❀️

Charle’s Angels. The newest release of this franchise. I’ve never seen one of the previous movies (which might have helped with some of the references, but that’s okay because I still really enjoyed this.) I think when I say I enjoyed this… I pretty much just enjoyed Kristen Stewart and all her side comments, gosh her character was so witty.

The Holiday; re-watch. My annual re-watch of this came earlier than planned, but when the mood strikes you to watch the Holiday… you watch the Holiday. Mr. Napkin Head gets me every time.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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