Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Pet Sematary (2019)

Hi guys! Happy Friday! I am so glad it’s Friday. This week has been long, and dreary, that I’m happy it’s finally the weekend. As I mentioned in my April wrap up, I went to the movies this past Monday to see Pet Sematary and so I thought I’d write a little blurb on what I thought!

Okay, before I start though I want to say that I went into this movie without reading the book or seeing the previous movie, so I have to say I felt very confused as to what this was even about. Yes, I watched this out of order in my Stephen King Project… but I’m okay with this because I won’t be getting to the book for some time, and by that time I’m probably going to forget about the movie, and I’m sure my thoughts will change.

Pet Sematary

Pet Sematary: Dr. Louis Creed and his family move from the busy city of Boston to a small town in Maine so that he can slow down and spend more time with his young children. When they discover this burial ground in the forest behind their house, not only does curiosity ensue, but their neighbor, Jud, unwillingly helps unleash a monster that begins to terrorize the Creed family in unimaginable ways, and where the consequences outweigh the good anyone thinks they’re doing. This movie was good; it was the right mix of gruesome, and creepy to give the viewer a good fright. There were plenty of good ol’ jump scares to give the viewer a sense of dread, and the fact that it really played on the viewer’s and character’s fears helped in creating an atmosphere for the film. The plot really dives into the backstory of one character in particular, but that is what gave this film a good arc; the viewer pretty much lives vicariously through her and her fears in order to really feel the fear of this film and it did a good job of capturing that. For the most part the viewer followed along, but without any prior knowledge to the story the viewer is left unsure where the characters were going to end up, and they most certainly didn’t see any of it coming. Going in with fresh eyes was definitely an eye-opening experience as the viewer learned everything with the characters and followed them along for the journey. The acting was also really well done; they all had this great chemistry that really pulled off the atmosphere and made it enjoyable to watch. Although the ending kinda left the viewer going, well that’s it, as the film felt like it just ended quite abruptly, but it was still a well put together film with enough creep and enough suspense to keep the viewer going until the end.

9 thoughts on “Movie Review: Pet Sematary (2019)

  1. I’m so worried about watching this one. Love the book, and watched the old movie a lot. Ever since i watched Dark Tower though, i’m having my doubts… ya know, what if this is not gonna be anything like the book, and so on…

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    1. My co-worker was the same. She liked the book and the past movie, but she said she liked this, even though it was completely different and they focused on different things. I don’t know because I haven’t read the book yet.
      I never saw the Dark Tower movie, I heard it wasn’t that good either, unfortunately. I’ll be watching it once I re-read the Dark Tower!

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  2. I’m glad you enjoyed this movie Meghan, even though it sounds like it was a little confusing for you at the beginning. Do you plan to pick up the book now or is it going to sit on your TBR list for a little longer?
    Horror movies aren’t really my thing but it sounds like overall this was a good film. Do you plan to watch the original, to see how the new one compares?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Beth! 🙂
      Oh yes, I plan on reading all of Stephen King’s books… I’m only at his second book as of right now, but as I finish each book I watch the movies… so yes I will be watching the old version, and re-watching this movie when I get to it! 🙂

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      1. Oh yes! It’s going to take a very long time… quite possibly the rest of my life 😛 But I’m down for the challenge! 🙂

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