Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Act Your Age, Eve Brown

Hi friends, happy Monday! I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of the final book in the Brown Sisters trilogy, Act Your Age, Eve Brown by: Talia Hibbert.

You can read my review of book one: Get a Life, Chloe Brown
You can read my review of book two: Take a Hint, Dani Brown

Act Your Age, Eve Brown

Act Your Age, Eve Brown by: Talia Hibbert: Eve Brown needs to get her life together. After failing at yet another career opportunity, her parents tell her she needs to grow up and prove herself. So, the first thing she does is spontaneously interview for a chef position at a B&B. Jacob, the owner, doesn’t know what hit him… literally as Eve accidently hits him with her car. Now, down an arm and understaffed, Eve is determined to help out. Over time Jacob’s frosty exterior begins to melt around Eve. This novel was hilariously witty, charming and the best sort of enemies to lover’s story. The plot was so much fun to read; the reader couldn’t get enough, their eyes couldn’t read the pages fast enough, devouring everything, but at the same time wanting, and trying, to savour it all too. Hibbert’s writing is phenomenal; everything from her plots that felt realistic with a touch of slightly unrealistic, just to add fun and spice; to her pacing that brought the reader in and was fast when it needed to be; to her characters who were so well developed and created. The reader loved getting to know Eve, the third Brown sister. She was just as fun, deep and loving as her older sisters with her own quirks. Jacob was a joy to read too, even though he came off as pretty angry in the beginning; it was amusing to watch him thaw out throughout the novel and to truly see the real character underneath. The autism representation in this felt really well researched and executed. The reader liked how natural Hibbert made it feel, like it was a different type of normal, which is how it should be treated. The relationship was messy and imperfect, but the way the characters communicated with one another was truly inspiring as to what a healthy relationship should look like. The fact that they talked about things and were willing to open up about their inner most fears and failures was what made these characters feel so whole and real. The reader really loved the way family was portrayed throughout all three of these books; it’s so strong and loving and supportive, really what a family should feel like and it’s so refreshing to read because usually family is left out of stories. Even getting her grandma, Gigi in on the action was amazing, she is a great side character. The reader is sad that this is the last book in the Brown sisters’ trilogy, but this was such an entertaining way to end it.

6 thoughts on “Review: Act Your Age, Eve Brown

  1. I really loved this book — it might actually be my favorite of the trilogy! Reading about the way Evie and Jacob experience the world and have their own methods for managing all the input and taking care of themselves was really… I think “comforting” is the best word I can find for it. I love that we are getting more neurodivergent characters in romance (and in lit generally, without it being The Obstacle so much as just… a way of being that is wonderful and unique). Anyway. Tangent over! But did you know Brown’s next series is set in the same universe? At least, that’s what I heard. Fingers crossed we’ll see the Brown family (and their partners) popping up again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This one is a tie with Take a Hint, Dani Brown because I loved that one too!
      I so agree with you on the word comforting; it truly was. I love how comfortable the two characters were with each other and the way they talked and respected each other.
      I also agree with you on how we’re getting more neurodiverse characters and how it’s shown as a different type of normal.
      I have not heard that so thank you for sharing that news! That makes me suuuper excited! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love love love this review!! This is my favourite from the trilogy! I loved how pure and entertaining it was, and their chemistry made the book almost magical! I also love how Eve and Jacob showed different ways of being autistic, and knowing that this is OwnVoices makes it even better! 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Karla! 😊
      I’ve heard a lot of people say this is their favourite of the three; this is still in a tie with Take a Hint, Dani Brown for me.
      I agree, they were magical and the representation was just amazing! 💞


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