Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

My Twitter Party Review: New Moon

Hello friends! Welcome back to the second edition of my Twitter Party Review. In today’s post I’m going to be diving into Stephanie Meyer’s New Moon.

New Moon

New Moon by: Stephanie Meyer: When Edward and his family decide to uproot their lives and move out of Forks, this destroys Bella and leaves her in a state of depression. What brings her back around is her new friend Jacob Black. The two start to do everything together, that is until she starts to hear Edward’s voice in her head and Jacob starts changing into a monster he can’t escape. Now, Bella feels dead-set on getting Edward back, no matter the cost. This novel was very slow. The first half of the book takes the reader ages to pull through; reading through Bella’s mopey depressed thoughts was hard because it was so uneventful. It truly didn’t have to go on for as long as it did, the reader gets the point after the second chapter, move on. Although, the writing did get better from the first book; where Twilight felt like a thesaurus threw up words all over its pages, New Moon felt more conversational and easier to read, that’s not to say the plot progression or the character developments were better, but the overall writing was better. As for the characters, there were some new ones who helped move this story along and to, of course, complicate and bring tension to the series. The second half of the novel was a definite improvement and the plot got sorta interesting. The way this novel ended was very stale and flat. It doesn’t leave the reader curious in the slightest about what is going to happen, this novel just ends and hopes the reader will continue.

7 thoughts on “My Twitter Party Review: New Moon

  1. The Volturi is literally such an a fascinating vampire cult I guess that it sucks that Meyer wasted the opportunity to explore them instead of wasting paper on Bella’s angst feeling, and Edward being a good buy and wanting Bella to live a human life. He’s a little less creepy, but still creepy.

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    1. I agree, I would have loved to dive deeper into the Volturi world, and even in Eclipse they’re mentioned, but only in regards to Bella becoming a vampire (so far; I’m not even close to halfway yet).
      He’s gotten better, but he’s a very stiff character and very boring. You’d think living for hundreds of years he’s be more interesting!

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