Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Crown’s Game + The Crown’s Fate

Hi guys and happy Monday! I hope you all had a good start to your week! Today I’m going to be posting my reviews of both The Crown’s Game and The Crown’s Fate by: Evelyn Skye.

The Crown’s Game

The Crown’s Game by: Evelyn Skye: The Ottoman Empire needs an enchanter by their side, and with only two in Russia, the Crown’s Game was created. Vika and Nikolai go head to head to win the game. Both come from different backgrounds, but it’s all out the window in these games. The premise to this novel sounded so good, and like it was going to be a wild ride. Instead, this novel just kind of fell flat. The plots were fast-paced, and the reader found themselves racing through the story, but that was also because it lacked substance. It just felt like there was something missing from all the action. The romance in this novel tried to keep things interesting, but it just felt in the way. The overall plot for the most part was entertaining and the world building was okay, but it just felt like it could have been better. The Russian culture was fascinating to read and the reader wished that the author would have gone a little deeper in the history, but the touch that was provided was a good taste. Characters were interesting, but again they felt like they could have been developed a little more as the reader didn’t completely connect with them. The sequel has promise as the reader became invested in the overall plot and is curious to see what direction stories are going to go in; the reader also has hope the characters will be more refined. This was an interesting concept that has gripped the reader enough to see where the sequel is going to go.

The Crown’s Fate

The Crown’s Fate by: Evelyn Skye: The Game is over and the coronation is about to happen, but before that can happen the kingdom they live in must be protected from evils. Pasha, Vika and Nikolai must fight to save their kingdom. This novel was just as action packed as the first. The plot was interesting and had different paths that led the reader on all sorts of adventures. We got about the same about amount of Russian culture as we did in the first. The reader wanted more, but at least it was better than nothing. This novel takes place after the big game and it was good to see characters in the aftermath. It felt like this novel took place ages after the first and that events that happened in the first were a distant memory leaving the characters onto new and better adventures. The characters were good, they were more defined and developed; we could have gotten a little more from them, but they were still fun to read. Overall, this novel was a good follow up and sequel to this story that wrapped everything up nicely.

5 thoughts on “Review: The Crown’s Game + The Crown’s Fate

    1. Thank you! Ehh, these books were alright, I don’t want to stop you from reading them because you could love them, but for me I just felt like they were nothing special. The action in the first book where they’re competing against one another was good! If you ever do read them, I’d love to hear your thoughts! 🙂

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