Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: My Lady Jane

Hello everyone, and happy Monday! Today I bring you my first review of the year! Today I’m going to be reviewing My Lady Jane by: Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows and Brodi Ashton.

So, this year I decided to change the format in which I review series. Before I put all my reviews for all the books in one post… and it worked for me, but I realized that, that potentially spoils plots, so I’m trying something new in 2020 (that is one of my goals for this year) and I’ll just be posting one review per post. We shall see how it goes, I honestly don’t see there being a problem… let me know if there is one! Or if you have thoughts, I’d love to hear about it!

Now, onto my review!

My Lady Jane

My Lady Jane by: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows: Edward is the king of England, but he’s dying, so in his will he appoints his cousin Jane to be Queen and to marry her off to Gifford, an secret Edian, someone who can change into an animal. But things don’t go quite according to plan as any of them would like. This novel had a lot of hype going in, but it wasn’t a total disappointment. This novel had an interesting plot that kept the reader engaged, it could have been flushed out better because storylines felt like they were going in all these directions that the reader didn’t fully understand; this also didn’t need to be as long as it was, it was still enjoyable, but way too long. Some chapters, the prose was honestly so good it sang; it really spoke to the reader and was all around beautiful; other chapters, the writing felt out of place with this weird trying to be witty bits that felt more annoying that it was comedic. The characters were fun and they definitely kept things interesting. There wasn’t anything that truly had them stand out, and yes the reader related to Jane in her book obsession, but that wasn’t surprising, if anything it was predictable. The reader is still slightly intrigued as to what happens in the second novel, but as for this one it was good because it had the reader interested, it just could have been better.

12 thoughts on “Review: My Lady Jane

      1. Ohh, I read My Plain Jane… and I cared for that even less…. but tell me how I still kinda want to read the third book when it comes out this year! 😛


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