Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom

Hi everyone! Happy Monday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Leigh Bardugo’s duology Six of Crows Crooked Kingdom.

Six of Crows

Six of Crows by: Leigh Bardugo: Kaz Brekker is a well-known criminal and when he gets the opportunity to go on this huge heist to get rich, well he’s there in a heartbeat; the only thing is he can’t pull off his master plan alone. Assembling a team to help him out they set out on this journey that takes them all to places none of them thought of. First off, the world building is done so well and it’s so vivid; the reader could picture everything and how everything went down. This definitely helped move the plot along. The novel wasn’t fast paced per se, but it did an amazing job of trapping the reader into the story. The way Bardugo introduces her characters is absolutely brilliant; it’s so gradual, we meet them one by one as we move through the plot and we gain their backstory. It’s done so well that the reader doesn’t feel bombarded with all these characters and all this information. Bardugo has this eclectic group of characters that the reader can’t help but want to know more about. The overall plots were very good and highly entertaining; it’s exciting to know there is more to follow.

Crooked Kingdom

Crooked Kingdom by: Leigh Bardugo: After trying to pull off the biggest heist and coming back empty handed, Kaz and his crew are setting up for revenge. On top of this there is a powerful drug known as jurda parem that everyone wants to know about that Kaz has experience with. This all then leads to a dangerous journey on the hunt for vengeance. This novel was action packed but it just didn’t live up to the first novel. A lot of this novel was build up to the end, which was totally worth it, Bardugo knows how to capture an audience even if it takes a couple hundred pages to get there because that ending made up for most of the novel. The characters grew and developed from the first novel to this one. The relationships were so good; from friendship to more romantic relationships, they were all so well written. This novel felt like it was really about the characters, which, like her ending, she did with such grace and skill. Her characters are simply amazing and heartwarming. This novel felt complete, yet it had a hint that more could possibly come if the author so chose, which left things a little in the dark, and a little mysterious, but overall really well done.

9 thoughts on “Review: Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom

  1. I saw many great reviews about these two!
    Even so, every time i think Kaz is a woman 😀
    I need a book for my reading challenge “a book involving a heist”, so i might take this one, because most other books the reading group recommended were true crime.

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  2. I’m really glad you enjoyed this duology Meghan, though it’s a shame you didn;t think Crooked Kingdom quite lived up to the first book. I ended up enjoyed Crooked Kingdom even more than Six of Crows, and it was actually my top read of 2016 (the year I first read the book). I thought it was incredible how Kaz and his crew pulled everything off, and there were times when I was kind of awed by the way his mind actually worked. There was so much happening but yeah it’s definitely left the world open for more, and I can’t wait to read that more!
    Great reviews. 🙂 ❤

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    1. Thanks Beth! 🙂 I can see why you’d like it more, but it just didn’t do it for me unfortunately. I still very much liked t but it didn’t wow me like the first book did.
      If there was more, I’d definitely read it! 😀 Thanks again 😀 ❤️

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