Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: How To Murder Your Life

Hi friends, happy Wednesday, I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m posting my review of Cat Marnell’s book How To Murder Your Life.

How to Murder Your Life

How to Murder Your Life by: Cat Marnell: This was beauty editor, Cat Marnell’s memoir where she documented her life from childhood to now and her spiral from family abuse to drug addiction and her career in the beauty magazine industry. For someone who doesn’t know who she is, her memoir was interesting and engaging to read. The reader could definitely gather Marnell’s personality by the way she wrote, her overuse of exclamation points and just the overall way she wrote, the reader could see she’s a bubbly person. This was well written and definitely captivated the reader and engrossed them. This really dove deep into her addiction, yet at the same time she took a light and funny approach to such heavy subjects. That’s probably what made it as fast-paced as it was and had the reader flipping the pages. It took until the end of the book to really grasp the reason Marnell wrote this memoir and it felt like it was for her own sanity and to hopefully better herself after years of drugs. It also felt like she wanted to give hope to anyone struggling with adduction, that things can get better if you let them and that was a nice way to close off. Overall, this was a hot mess of a read, but it was real and honest yet left a feeling of optimism.

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