Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #37 ðŸ“½

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 471
On page 188

The Bachman Books; 51% of the way; I started reading Roadwork this week, the third book, out of four, in the Bachman books. My first thoughts on this have to do with how much info we’ve been given in the first few pages of the book. It was a complete info-dump about the main character, which was a little overwhelming but I’m interested to see how it’s all going to come together; I’m not really sure what the book is about just yet, but I’m ready to find out.

Lastly, I’m reading Sunflower Sisters by: Martha Hall Kelly. This has been an interesting read; this takes place in the 1860s and slavery is alive (and if I’m being honest, in the year 2021 do we need more fictional slavery stories?) then on the flip side we have a story about a woman wanting to be a nurse during the war. I have no idea how these stories are going to overlap. I’m interested to see how, but at the same time I’m like ehh.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished Stranger Than Fanfiction by: Chris Colfer. I really wanted to like this, but I really didn’t. Colfer is a great writer, his storytelling is good, but this just didn’t work for me. Plots felt too convenient, the ending was only used as shock value and it felt like he was checking off boxes for diverse rep and ugh I just couldn’t deal. Also the fact that the one famous character came in to help them all solve their problems just got annoying after a while. I’ll have more of my thoughts in my review… once I write it 😅

I also finished The Women in the Castle by: Jessica Shattuck. This book surprised me because I didn’t think I’d like it. I’m not a fan of WWII books (because like the books about slavery, I don’t think in the year 2021 we need more WWII stories) but this took a different turn and took place right after the war and dealt with the women whose husbands died resisting Hitler, it was really fascinating and captivating.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #36 🌅

Review: Wayward Son

Review: How to Murder Your Life

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books posted a book rec with the fake-dating trope – guys, this is my fave trope ever so of course if I haven’t read the book I placed that on my never ending TBR!

This week started off with another busy weekend. I spent Friday and Saturday night with my two best friends getting ready, helping to bake and decorate for one of their bridal shower on the Sunday. It was a lovely shower; we played games and ate SO much food, it was a great time.

Otherwise, my week was boring and I was tired for most of it.

What I’m watching:

Riverdale; season 5. I’m back on my bullsh*t with this show. New episodes have been released and I waited for a bunch to be up before I started watching; I’ve only seen a few episodes and it’s been a lot of what I’ve come to expect from this show.

Schitt’s Creek; season 6. I’ve watched another few epiosdes and omg the wedding is getting closer and when they take their photos and Patrick’s tanning goes wrong, we see a side of Patrick we don’t really see often. He’s annoyed at David for making him do it; and even though he doesn’t look mad, you can tell he’s lo-key annoyed. Plus, Ted and Alexis, I can honestly say I didn’t see that coming.

Forever Twelve; season 1. I’m back to watching this because it’s short and funny. I like seeing the dynamic between Reggie and her mom and her brother change and grow as she grows older. There are also a lot of positivity talk and how to deal with disagreements in a healthy and open way. It’s nice to see, but it’s also so different from anything I’ve ever seen in a kid show before.

What I’ve watched:

The Dead Zone; season 5. I finished up the fifth season and this season felt like it tried to have a theme with religion and politics and racism and white supremacy but all of these were touched on so briefly that I don’t know how much I thought it was good and useful. But for the most part I enjoyed this season and I look forward to the last season (even if I know it’s not going to end well).

The Spiderwick Chronicles. I read the books years ago so when I saw this come to Netflix I knew I had to watch it. This was pretty good, I have to say I don’t remember much of the plots in the books so I think that made me like the movie a little more, as I think they combined all the books in one movie but it worked well. I thought it was a nice action-packed movie with a great come together family dynamic.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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