Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Tweet Cute

Hello friends, happy Monday! Here we are, starting week number 6 working from home. I thought by this time we’d be going back to work, but I don’t see that happening very soon, at least today was a nice, warm sunny day! ☀️Today I’m going to be reviewing Emma Lord’s novel Tweet Cute.

I honestly, really wanted to like this… I wanted to like it so much that I even bought this book! I wrote a First Impression Friday on this book.

Tweet Cute

Tweet Cute by: Emma Lord: Pepper is a straight A student who follows all the rules; Jack is the class clown who’s always causing trouble, the two don’t get along, or do they? Unbeknownst to the other, they secretly do get along but when Pepper’s mother’s chain restaurant and Jack’s father’s family business go head to head in a Twitter war it could be the end all to the relationship they’ve formed. There were a few plotlines going on in this novel, and that helped move the story because the main plot had a lot of issues. This novel was a lot of things, cute was one of them, but not the only thing. What started off as fun, turned drastically childish and irritating. The two main characters were very level headed and the bond they formed was actually quite sweet and fun to watch over the course of the novel. The secondary characters, their parents, were super annoying and frustrating to read as their actions were just so immature for two business people and it just came off as unrealistic and juvenile. The main plot, which was the Twitter war, really overpowered the underlying friendship plots. The friendships that formed were so good, the reader really enjoyed seeing the characters become their own. It was just unfortunate that the main plot didn’t hold up. The writing was good; in the beginning the pace was really slow and the reader found it hard to get through, once past the beginning the pacing got better. For the most part, this novel had its cute moments, but they were drowned out by petty revenge. In the end, this was an alright novel, but not really worth the hype.

8 thoughts on “Review: Tweet Cute

  1. Great review! That’s unfortunate about the secondary characters … I’ve seen a few people mention that in their reviews as well. And the plot overtaking too much has also been mentioned quite frequently. Even though this seems cute, I think I might pass … haven’t decided.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 🙂
      Yeah… it was cute, but I don’t know, not cute enough? There were just too many things that were problematic and just didn’t make sense.
      At least it was a quick read so if you decide to read it, there’s that!

      Liked by 1 person

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