Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Where the Drowned Girls Go

Hello friends, happy Wednesday – I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m posting my review of Seanan McQuire’s seventh novel in the Wayward Children series, Where the Drowned Girls Go.

Read more: Review: Where the Drowned Girls Go

You can read my review of books one to five : The Wayward Children Series
You can rad my review of book six: Across the Green Grass Fields

Where the Drowned Girls Go

Where the Drowned Girls Go by: Seanan McGuire: Cora has been to Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children, but after some time, decides that she needs more than what this school is providing for her so she begs to be transferred to Whitehouse Institute. Miss West reluctantly agrees, but Cora soon realizes very quickly that things are run very different and not all doors are welcoming. This novella started off slow, but the reader was still excited to see where this would go because all past novellas have taken unexpected turns. This time, however, this just never really picked up for the reader. Even the ending felt a little anti-climactic. The reader wanted to love this, but this instalment was missing the spark that the previous novels held. It felt like there was a lot of jumping around and not enough time establishing this new institute. It was good to see a world where things were different but the reader would have liked to know more about it, but there is hope that maybe there will be another book with more details of this world because we would like to be back to just know more. Cora was a strong main character; she was so likable and well developed. She was so strong-willed and the way she interacted with the other characters was enjoyable to read. It was good to see characters from past books too; it gave a sense of comfort to see them again. Overall, this wasn’t a bad read, it just didn’t live up to the reader’s expectations of how good books in this series can be.

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