Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #38 πŸ“Ό

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 487
On page 114

The Bachman Books; 52% of the way; I continuing with Roadwork this week, like last week, we’re getting a lot of exposition that I’m hoping is leading up to something. I can see the plots and the subplots starting to form so I’m interested to see where this is going… like is the main character crazy? Does he live in his head?

Lastly, I’m reading We Are Okay by: Nina LaCour. This is my third Nina LaCour book and I’ve loved her previous books, so I’m hoping to love this one too. It’s been really sad and heavy, but I’m enjoying it; I like the way it’s told too, back and forth between the past and present and we slowly learn what has happened.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished Sunflower Sisters by: Martha Hall Kelly. This book surprised me; I didn’t think I would enjoy this, but I actually did. The story was really well told and had strong female characters.

I also finished Act Your Age, Eve Brown by: Talia Hibbert. This was the third book in the Brown sisters trilogy and omg this was SO cute and the witty banter was so fun! I also loved the strong relationships and the dynamics, uh this was so good and I’m sad that I finished it.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #37 πŸ“½

Review: Punching the Air

Let’s Talk About… Modern Love Season Two

Review: The Desolation of Devil’s Acre

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Gretchen @chicnerdreads posted 3 poems from her upcoming poetry collection, girasol – I love her poetry so much, it’s always so emotional and beautiful

Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books posted how she uses Notion for blogging – I love, love, love reading about people’s Notion pages, so this was a fun post to read!

I started this week with a family breakfast, which we haven’t done for some time so that was really yummy! Then on Monday night I went out for sushi with some friends (I feel like I’ve ate so much sushi recently) and got to see a friend I haven’t seen since the beginning of the pandemic.

On Wednesday it was library day so I picked up new books… by actually going inside the library for the first time since March of 2020! It felt so nice. I also picked up books for my project that I hope to do in October (more on that probably next week).

I bought some new books too, which I haven’t done since July? I did buy one book in August. My book buying has pretty under control this summer.

Aside from that, it’s been a pretty quiet week.

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life; I’ve finally started my re-watch of this. I watched Winter this past week and you can tell the cast members missed each other. I liked seeing their odd run-ins with each other because they obviously tried to include everyone as possible in them, but I loved it for that fact. I also don’t know why they ever decided to give Rory a boyfriend named Paul that no one remembered because that was weird… it was a running gag that fell flat.

Chapelwaite; season 1. This was supposed to be here last week too, but I forgot. This has been on regularly and wow it’s getting creepier. It’s also still really slow, but as each episode goes by the slowness really helps in the creep factor because you never know what’s going to happen.

The Dead Zone; season 6. I’m on the last season, that makes me both happy and sad. I’m sad that this is ending because I’ve really come to like this cheesy show, but I’m happy too because this season has such a different feel to it. The characters I’ve come to love are leaving in different ways and I’m not liking the direction this is going.

Schitt’s Creek; season 6. Seeing Stevie follow Johnny’s advice for how they can save the new motel they bought was really sweet because it’s like Stevie has become part of the family. And I continue to love all the wedding planning.

Forever Twelve; season 1. I’m going to keep this here because I can’t remember if I actually watched an episode or not this week.

Brooklyn-Nine-Nine; season 6. This is a rewatch. So a slight backstory, the final season just dropped to Netflix last week, on Netflix I’ve watched the first 5 seasons (as I was late to start the show) and then I watched the show live, so I never watched seasons 6&7 on Netflix. So now in prep for the final season 😒 I’m rewatching 6&7 and completely loving it! I forgot Gina was still around in the beginning of season 6!

What I’ve watched:

Love Happens. This movie kept showing up in all these lists for me, so I caved and watched it… but I didn’t really care for it. The plot really didn’t keep my interest, the characters didn’t really have chemistry and so I felt bored. Plus, the main character got mad when he was fed the same thing he’d been feeding others in his book and didn’t like it – shocker! So that was infuriating to watch. What I did like, was the use of odd/obscure words they used to communicate and the very end Martin Sheen and the bird had me laughing so hard… plus Sheen was also able to make me cry… go figure.

Out of My League. I didn’t realize this was a dubbed movie… until I put it on. I’m not a fan of dubbed movies, I’d rather just watch it in the original language because it was annoying to me so see their mouths off. This film did a good job of trying to get it as close as possible, but still. ANYWAYS, this was originally in Italian, but as for the story it was good; I liked the plot, I thought it was well told. I really liked how the main character took her life in her own hands even though she had a medical condition, as she tried not to let that define her and I think she did a great job because she was so colourful and unapologetically herself. It was also really slow paced, but it worked for this film.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

3 thoughts on “Weekly Update #38 πŸ“Ό

  1. Omg it feels like agesss since I’ve read a weekly update! I’ve been slacking on blog engagement πŸ˜† I’ve been meaning to read the brown sister series! I’d love to see a review! Great post! πŸ’—

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