Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #3 πŸŒ¨

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 447
On page 242
On page 0

Night Shift: I’m 91% of the way through; I have 2 more short stories left! I have to say this has gone by faster than I thought it would. This week’s short story was very short, but it packed a punch and left this haunting feeling. There wasn’t a lot of action, it was all in the implications.

The Return of the King: I’m 41% of the way through; I’m really not making much progress with this. I really wish I could read this every day… just not enough hours in a day! BUT I did start the second book and Sam and Frodo – my heart! UGH!

Lastly, I’m reading A Sky Beyond the Storm by: Sabaa Tahir… yes you read that right, I’m on page 0. I haven’t actually started it… but I’m really hoping to get to it tonight!

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished Intensity by: Sherrilyn Kenyon. This was the final book in the Chronicles of Nick series… but was it really? This just left me with more questions and her saying Nick’s story isn’t over. Well, it is for me as I’m not going to be picking up another series. I will continue with her Dark Hunter series (that has 30+ books in it πŸ˜…) but that’s it. I don’t need additional side stories.

I also finished Conclave by: Robert Harris and ehhh this week I just wasn’t blessed with great reads. This was also a bit of a dud. I only finished writing my review yesterday and that was hard. I didn’t know how to word my thoughts because the ending was pretty crappy – using a transgender plot twist that just didn’t sit well with me. I also had issues with the way the author handled the black character. Just a very meh read.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #2β˜ƒοΈ
Review: The Amateurs
Review Last Seen Leaving

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

The Orangutan Librarian talked about the positives behind negative reviews and I thought it was insightful and relatable.
Ashley @Falling Down the Book Hole talked about audiobooks and gave a great guide to them which I really enjoyed, even though I’m not the biggest audiobook fan.
Karla @Another Bookworm talked about giving a negative review on ARCs and I thought that was a good discussion. I don’t personally request ARCs but I can only imagine the pressure to review them is.
Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books talked about her blogging insecurities and how she gets over them; I loved reading it because I related to it.
Beth @Books Nest talked about what she’s learned from being single and this resonated with me, as someone who’s been single a long time it was a lovely read.
Kristin @Kristin Kraves Books talked about why she blogs and I’m glad she blogs because she’s such a great writer and blogger!

Week 3 down. Another quiet week for me personally, but a big week for my American friends.

A few positives from this week:
– I don’t blog on Saturdays, but last Saturday my views on the blog SKY ROCKETED! I’ve never had over 1,000 views in a day before, let alone 200 so that was a pleasant shock!
– I baked (from scratch) for the first time this year… it didn’t go as well as I thought it would, but you try and learn (photo below).

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 4. I was able to watch a few episodes this week, getting into the thick of season 4 and Rory at Yale. I’m just waiting for her to meet Logan… but maybe that’s season 5.

ER; season 15. I started the final season this week and that first episode 😭 am I just going to cry for the whole season? Probably.

The Good Doctor; season 4. This week’s episode was really interesting. They really dived deep into the thought of what if you lived a thousand years? Would you be with the same person for all those years? Definitely something to really think about.

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. This show came back for a fifth season this week, and I love how awkward this show is. I’m curious to see where the season goes

What I’ve watched:

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina; 4th and final season. I’m sad that it’s over and I wrote a loooot of words on all my thoughts that I’m hoping to have that up in the next few weeks.

One Tree Hill; season 1. I completed the first season of my re-watch and I didn’t hate it… glad my thoughts on this show have still stayed the same. I have to say watching the Boytoy auction episode means a lot to me because it’s the first ever episode I watched of the show – that was what hooked me in all those years ago, so it holds a special place in my heart.

I’ve been watching more Children of the Corn movies, I watched Urban Harvest, The Gathering and Field of Terrors. I’m actually surprised how invested I find myself in these movies.

I’m going to end these wrap ups with my Instagram posts of the week… this is going to make my posts look longer than they are because I can’t change the size of the image/links.

5 thoughts on “Weekly Update #3 πŸŒ¨

  1. I am extremely happy to see your blog is growing! You absolutely deserve it! Everything you write is so thoughtful and you’re incredibly supportive; Thank you a thousand times for feautring my post and I wish you a happy week! πŸ’•

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