Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #2 ☃️

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

This year I thought I’d try something new and start a weekly update instead of a monthly update. I’m not really sure how this is going to go exactly, but I hope you’ll stick around for the ride!

Currently Reading:

On page 438
On page 196
On page 225

Night Shift: I’m 89% of the way through; this week’s short story was good, more sad than horrifying or scary.

The Return of the King: I’m 33% of the way through; I completed the first part in this book. It was slow going, but I’m excited to get back to Frodo and Sam… like I always am.

Lastly, I’m reading Intensity by: Sherrilyn Kenyon. This is the final book in her Chronicles of Nick series. I went through my Goodreads shelves last year and made a list of series I need to finish and this was one of them. I was never the biggest fan of this series, but I want to finish it. This instalment is alright, it’s fast-paced so that’s a bonus!

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished This Savage Song by: Victoria Schwab. This wasn’t my favourite of hers, it was intriguing and I liked it enough to read the sequel.

I also finished Ever the Hunted by: Erin Summerhill. Wow, this book – I have to say, I wasn’t expecting to be blown away like I was, but this was such a great first novel in a trilogy and the ending left me in shock! I can’t wait to read the second book.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Wrap Up #1❄️
Review: The Lost Book of the White
Let’s Talk About… Dear White People Season One
Review: Speak

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Zainab @Zainab Chats talked about tools for blogging successfully and I have to say I enjoyed reading it and I found out Adobe Lightroom is free for the phone app!
Jenna @Bookmark Your Thoughts shared the “Folklore” reading challenge on the StoryGraph and I just joined the StoryGraph so I’m excited to look into this!
Nyx @Drizzle and Hurricane Books talked about why she doesn’t participate in the Goodreads Challenge and I loved reading her perspective!

The second week of the year down – I have to say it’s been really quiet. We’ve gone into a “state of emergency” where I live so only going out for essentials… which is pretty much what I’ve been doing since November. I barely leave the house these days. The only thing I leave the house for is going for a walk around the block every day.

A few positives from this week:
– the NHL is back, so hockey is now back in my life. The Leafs won their first game, let’s hope they can do it again tonight

What I’ve been watching:

I’m continuing with One Tree Hill. I’m still on season one, I’m 14 episodes in. Damn, I didn’t remember ep. 8 to be such a pivotal episode. Nathan and Haley get together with that Dare You to Move song by Switchfoot (love that scene 😅😊) then at the same time, the Lucas, Brook, Peyton love triangle starts. I have to say, now that I’m older it all seems really silly.

I started the final season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I can’t believe that this show got cancelled because it’s SO good! I’m loving the season, I love Sabrina and the journeys she goes on, not only as a witch, but for her personally. I also really love Nick this season 😍

Last week, I realized I forgot to add the shows I’m watching on TV 😅. The Good Doctor came back this past week. I think they did a good job of showing what Covid burn-out and PTDS can look like.

This is Us came back last week, and I’m loving this season. I’m tell you, all I want is for Randall to be happy and I think we’re getting that.

I finished watching season 4 of The Crown. Wow, talk about an intense season. There was so much happening that I can’t wait to watch more… too bad I have to wait until 2022!

Lastly, I watched Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice it was good, part of me is even wondering if I can properly say I watched it when I lost sound halfway through the movie 😅

I’m going to end these wrap ups with my Instagram posts of the week… this is going to make my posts look longer than they are because I can’t change the size of the image/links.

9 thoughts on “Weekly Update #2 ☃️

    1. Thank you! I hope so too. It’s the unclear directions that we’re getting about “essential travel” that’s really annoying me.
      Oh yes! This season of CAoS has been so good, I’m sad about it coming to an end!!


    1. You’re welcome! I really enjoyed it! 🙂
      I’m good, thanks! I’m lucky enough to still be able to work at home so that keeps me busy and blogging helps! I hope you’re keeping well through lockdown!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Ahhh I’m actually rewatching one tree hill right now 😂 it’s making me feel all nostalgic in a way, ahah. And I need to finish watching The Crown, I love this show SO much!
    Have a wonderful week and take care ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aw yay! I usually re-watch OTH every other year and it’s been a few years for me so I’m happy to be back in the world!
      Oh I hope you enjoy the newest season of the Crown, it’s very dramatic! 😊
      Thank you, you as well! 💞

      Liked by 1 person

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