
New Years Eve Book Tag

Hello everyone, and happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be doing the New Years Eve book tag… (almost) 2 months after New Years Eve… but who’s counting? I was tagged by the lovely Jenna @Bookmark Your Thoughts. Thank you so, so much! If you don’t know Jenna, have you been living under a rock? Jenna is one of the sweetest bloggers out there and you should all check out her blog! πŸ’ž

The Rules

β†  Link back to the tag’sΒ creator.
β†  Thank and link back to the person that tagged you.
β†  Feel free to use the pre-made graphics or create your own. Credit is appreciated if you do.
β†  Answer the questions as best as you can. No answer is incorrect!
β†  Tag some people to do this tag. No minimum or limit. Spread the love and have a happy 2020!

Good As Hell || Favourite Book

I wouldn’t shut up about The Chalk Man by: C.J. Tudor in 2019, so I’m telling you again, this was good as hell!

Green Light Go || Green Cover

I read a few green covered books in 2019. The one I’m going with though is Grunt by: Mary Roach. This book was so fascinating and informative and covered so much ground, and made me think of things I’ve never thought of in my life. Plus, Mary is hilarious, even when talking about such serious subjects. How she balances this, I’d love to know!






LBD || Sexiest Character

I honestly don’t know how to answer this because I’m never reading a book thinking, ‘oh this character is so sexy’ because that does not sound like me AT ALL. So I’m going to leave this blank.

Dally || Best Moment of 2019

Such a hard question to answer!

It could be travelling with one of my of my best friends, seeing the Spice Girls in freakin LONDON! I still can’t believe THAT happened.

Or seeing my favourite band for the fifth time.

Hanging out with my friends a whole bunch, my absolute favourite would be going to the Rec Room in the summer, that was one of the best nights I’ve had.

Sin Querer Queriendo || Silly MC (or Side Character)

I’m having such a hard time with this prompt, I don’t know why. The first thought I had was Mister Kindly from Nevernight, such a sarcastic side character who I thought was always quite funny and amusing.

7 Rings || New Books Friends

I can count Jenna as a new book friend, as we met in 2019! And I’m so glad that we did! πŸ˜€

I’m sure there are a few of you out there who I met in 2019, but for fear of forgetting anyone, just know that I appreciate all of our friendships and I look forward to all the ones in 2020 too!

Kill This Love || First Book in 2020

The first book I read in 2020 was Godsgrave by: Jay Kristoff, the second book in the Nevernight Chronicles. I really enjoyed the whole trilogy!


Well, seeing how it’s no longer even close to New Years, I’m not going to tag anyone. BUT again, if you see this tag and think you want to do it, give it a go! πŸ™‚

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