Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: One Dark Throne

Hello friends, happy Monday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Kendare Blake’s novel One Dark Throne the second novel in her Three Dark Crowns series.

You can read my review of book one: Three Dark Crowns

One Dark Throne

One Dark Throne by: Kendare Blake: The battle for the crown has started; three sisters, one crown and an assortment of powers, it’s anyone’s game who will be Queen. All three sisters have started realize their true potential and will use their powers at any cost. This novel felt like so much happened yet nothing at all. The characters always felt like they were doing something, which made the pace of this novel really quick, but what they were doing didn’t really move the overall plot very far. By the end of the novel it didn’t really feel like much had happened from the beginning to the end, but at the same time the reader is still left with enough intrigue to see what is going to happen in the next novel. There was a lot of revenge and deceit between characters that the reader enjoyed. As for the characters, the reader felt very overwhelmed by the amount of characters to follow and keep track of. Aside from there being so many characters, they all felt a little two dimensional; the reader wished that there was just a little more substance added to be invested in them. Even though this wasn’t the best, again, the reader is curious where the author is planning to go with these characters and the plots.