Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde

Hi friends, happy Wednesday, I hope you’re all having a good week so far! Today I’m going to be posting my review of the Complete Works of Oscar Wilde.

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: This volume contained everything that Oscar Wilde ever wrote from his only novel, to his short stories, poems, essays, plays and letters. This volume started with his only novel he wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray and this was such a great read with a plot that was really fascinating and characters who were entertaining and deeply developed. This then went into his short stories which were also really well written. Some stories stood out more so than others; some had great morals and messages, whereas some were more forgettable and dragged on, but the way he ended his stories was so sharp, clever and final. Next, came his plays and again some were better than others. His most famous plays are famous for a reason, they were really well written and the way he constructed them caught the reader off guard with unexpected endings. There were ones that the reader completely forgot about once they read them, but for the most part his plays were fun and engaging. Next, came the poems; the reader isn’t a big fan of poetry and so some really didn’t resonate with them, but they read quickly. Then were his letters. The first one was a tell-all to the guy who put him in prison, and it was so open and honest and raw; so many emotions went through it and the reader couldn’t help but be encapsulated and engrossed in the story. His other letters were honest and real but not as good as that first letter, De Profundis. The volume closes with his essays and that as such a daunting way to end his works. Some were so long and intimidating to get through. Wilde talked in circles, saying the same thing in different ways and it felt like he added filler in to make them even longer than they really needed to be to fluff them up. Overall, the reader is glad to have read all of his works, not everything was the best, but Wilde was still a very skilled writer and died too soon.