Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Mime Order

Hello friends, I hope you’ve been having a good Monday. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Samantha Shannon’s novel The Mime Order.

Before I jump into this review I just wanted to say that this is my 1000th blog post– can you believe?! I can’t! Here’s to the next 1000 posts that I hope you all enjoy! 🙂

You can read my review of the first novel: The Bone Season 

The Mime Order

The Mime Order by: Samantha Shannon: Paige Mahoney has escaped the dreadful cult-like Sheol I in an attempt to take it down and defeat Nashira Sargas once and for all. But, before that can happen, Paige needs an army of her own. Not wanting to go back to her employer, Jaxon, she works to overthrow him and create her own alliance. This novel fell a little bit under the second book syndrome; it was still really well-crafted and thought out, but it just lacked the same imagination that the first novel had. The world building didn’t feel as grand; we got to see more of the world, but there were less descriptions and a lot more set up. Even though this was action-packed, it felt a little long for what happened. This novel was mostly set up for what is to come, it was a lot of planning and overthrowing, which at times was super intriguing to read, but at others felt tiresome. The characters that we met in the first book, but didn’t get to know, we got to know better in this novel; they were all developed characters, but some were more interesting than others, but together they all played a brilliant role. That ending was very well done; Shannon pulled one on her readers with a shocking ending that only left the next step to be desired in this game of war. This was still another amazing novel from Shannon and the reader is very excited and incredibly curious what is going to happen next.

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