Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Song Rising

Hello friends, I hope you’re all having a good Monday. Today I’m going to be reviewing Samantha Shannon’s novel The Song Rising.

You can read my review of the first novel: The Bone Season
You can read my review of the second novel: The Mime Order

The Song Rising

The Song Rising by: Samantha Shannon: Since leaving Jaxon and being crowned the Underqueen, Paige is having trouble taking control of the underworld where she still has so many enemies. On top of those enemies, a deadly technology has been made to stop clairvoyants, which definitely puts a wrinkle in her challenges to rule. This novel was intense and full of action. The plot was non-stop from the moment it started to the very end. This novel is the shortest of the series so far, and so much happened. Plots definitely thicken, battles are fought, some won, some lost and characters must choose their alliances. It’s a rollercoaster that is a lot of fun to be on; the plots go to new places and the writing is still so good. This world is incredible, and we got to see a different side of the world that the reader doesn’t want to leave. The characters are developing so well; the relationships that Paige has with all the characters is just so fascinating and interesting to read. It’s fun to read scenes between characters she loves, but also with ones she hates because there is so much passion in Shannon’s writing. The way that this ended definitely didn’t feel final; it could be seen as a finale, but the reader can see these characters coming back in a different setting, outside of England, which sounds exciting. This was so good, and definitely made up for all the set up that happened in the previous novel.

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