Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Lost Book of the White

Hello friends, happy Monday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu’s novel The Lost Book of the White.

You can read my review of book one: The Red Scrolls of Magic

The Lost Book of the White

The Lost Book of the White by: Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu: When two of Magnus’ old friends break into his home and steal a very powerful book, the Book of the White, he and Alec must go after them. But before they do, Magnus has been stabbed by some magical weapon that could mean life or death for him. He and Alec with all their Shadowhunter friends travel to Shanghai in order to get the book back and save Magnus. This novel, for the most part was action packed. There was a lot happening, but the reader didn’t really understand why it was happening; what the point of this novel was in relation to the rest of the Shadowhunter novels. This just felt like an added story for diehard Shadowhunter fans, much like the first novel in this series. This was again set after everything that happened in the Mortal Instruments series and was another side story featuring Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. This had the same feeling that the first novel had where it took a while for the reader to feel invested in the story and the pacing was quite slow. The characters are all characters we know and have loved for years and it was nice to see them again. There were some character developments between Magnus and Alec as they are so parent driven now and it’s definitely given their characters’ depth and growth. Even the demon characters had arcs that were compelling to read – even if it took a long time to get there. The way that this ended leaves room to speculate that Magnus and Alec will be back and that Sammael will be back for more havoc. Overall, this was an alright addition to this series; it didn’t wow the reader, but it did entertain.

5 thoughts on “Review: The Lost Book of the White

  1. Great review! I agree that this one was fun but also not really anything special. I was happy to be back with my favorite characters, but admittedly pretty bored throughout! Here’s hoping the final one will be better! (:

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