Graphic Novels · Reviews

Review: The Umbrella Academy Vol. 3

Hi friends, happy Monday – I hope everyone is doing well and is off to a great start to the week! I know I am, as today is Labour Day, no work for me, which feels good!
Today I’m going to be posting my review of The Umbrella Academy Vol. 3: Hotel Oblivion by: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba.

You can read my review of volume 1: The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite
You can read my review of volume 2: The Umbrella Academy Vol. 2: Dallas

The Umbrella Academy Vol. 3: Hotel Oblivion

The Umbrella Academy Vol 3: Hotel Oblivion by: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba: This volume takes the Umbrella Academy to new heights as new villains and superheroes arise, all battling it out; meanwhile Mr. Hargreeves thinks he’s created a solution, but maybe he hasn’t. This volume was just as much fun to read, if not more so than the first two. This volume had the reader chuckling at the witty writing, and there was so much happening that they couldn’t help but keep flipping the pages to find out what would happen next. The plots were so captivating and of course the reader’s love for the characters was what drove them to continue reading. It felt like these characters really grew and really started to figure out how to work as a family. The family dynamics have always been dysfunctional, but this volume really broke things down and the dialogue was just so good and at times really raw. The way this ended, it looks like the next volume is going to be even more epic than anything we’ve seen yet.

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