Graphic Novels · Reviews

Review: The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1

Hello friends, I hope you’re all having a good Monday. Today I’m going to be posting my review of the first volume of The Umbrella Academy: The Apocalypse Suite by: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba.

The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1

The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1: The Apocalypse Suite by: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba: Around the world, women who were never pregnant spontaneously gave birth to babies. Out of the forty-three born, Reginald Hargreeves adopted seven and created a family of superheroes to help save the world and called them the Umbrella Academy. This was fast-paced and full of action. The reader found themselves flipping pages to find out what would happen next. Although, the reader didn’t want to flip too fast because they wanted to take in the art as it was really well done. The plot was fascinating, it was different and totally engrossed the reader. The characters were all so unique and intriguing. The reader wished that we got a little deeper with the characters but for the first volume this was definitely a start to getting to know and understand them. The way this ended left a big cliff hanger for what is to come and the reader can’t wait to dive into the next volume.

17 thoughts on “Review: The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1

    1. Thank you!
      I’d definitely recommend the comics, they’re really good; the TV show takes the comics to a really cool level with the music and everything! 😃

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I wouldn’t say that it’s as minimalist as the cover, but the art is really bright and fun to look at. I’d still recommend it because the story is so fast paced and so much going on, you don’t realize it’s over until your there!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The show is amazing! I watched the first season before re-reading this volume because I forgot how good the comics were.
      I’ll be sure to check your post out.

      Liked by 1 person

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