Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Two Dark Reigns

Hello and happy Thursday friends! I hope everyone has been having a good week – this one has been a rough one for me.
Today I’m going to be reviewing the third book in the Three Dark Crowns series, Two Dark Reigns by: Kendare Blake.

You can read my review of book one: Three Dark Crowns
You can read my review of book two: One Dark Throne

Two Dark Reigns

Two Dark Reigns by: Kendare Blake: Katherine has always wanted the crown, but with her body possessed by dead queens and her two sisters missing, her authority is starting to be questioned. Meanwhile, Arsinoe and Mirabella have fled to the mainland, but something is calling Arsinoe back; a war is about to break out. Katherine may think she’s won the crown, but has she truly? This novel was definitely a step above the previous novel. Where the last novel lacked in an overall story arc, this one made up for it, as new characters were introduced to help bring tension to the story and to give this series a breath of fresh air. This novel was really fast-paced; the reader found themselves turning page after page wanting to find out what was going to happen next. The plots took new heights in the novel and the stakes got higher. Again, this novel continued to carry revenge and deceit, which really intrigued the reader. With only one book left in this series the reader is very curious who will come out victorious. The characters were well written and they seemed to gain some extra depth, maybe because new characters were introduced could have helped to flush out the characters we’ve grown to know. The reader found them more memorable, relatable and more distinct than the previous two novels. Overall, this was a lot of fun to read and definitely left the reader wanting more.