WWW Wednesday #44 ðŸŽˆ

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 190
On page 459
On page 41

Night Shift: I’m 38% of the way through; this week’s short story was just plain weird. I didn’t like nor dislike it, it was just strange. The pacing was good, the added bits to give the story more substance, didn’t really do that but overall wasn’t the worst thing.

The Fellowship of the Ring: I’m 84% of the way through; I honestly haven’t noticed how close I am to ending this book – I think that has to do with the fact that this doesn’t feel like it’s coming to an end at all. I’m definitely loving the journey!

Lastly, I’m reading The Amateurs by: Sara Shepard. I’ve never read the Pretty Little Liars books, I have been curious but there are quite a number of books in that series, so I thought I’d try Shepard’s writing in a trilogy first. I just started this today and so far I’m intrigued to see where this goes.


This week I finished The Lost Book of the White by: Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu. Again, this was an ok read. I didn’t care for the first book, and I thought maybe I’d like this one and I just found it hard to get into.

I also finished my re-read of Speak by: Laurie Halse Anderson. I read this for the first time as required reading in grade 9 and at that time, I didn’t like it. But because I had it on my “read” shelf on Goodreads without a review, I thought I should re-read it and review it. I still have to write the review, but I definitely appreciated the story 13 years later. This has inspired me to re-read more of the required readings from high school – may make it a blog series.


No additions to this week’s list, but it’s gotten shorter!

Each of Us a Desert by: Mark Oshiro
We Are Still Tornados by: Michael Kun & Susan Mullen
Last Seen Leaving by: Caleb Roehrig

What are you all reading?

7 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #44 ðŸŽˆ

    1. I thought I’d outgrown the Shadowhunter world, but then I really enjoyed Chain of Gold. There’s something about the Elder Curse series that I’m having a hard time getting into

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