Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Across the Green Grass Fields

Hi friends, happy Monday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Seanan McGuire’s novel Across the Green Grass Fields the sixth novel in the Wayward Children series.

You can read my reviews of the previous five books: The Wayward Children Series

Across the Green Grass Fields

Across the Green Grass Fields by: Seanan McGuire: At ten years old, Regan is still learning the ways of the world and friendships; thinking she needs to be best friends with Laurel until one day, Laurel turns her back on her. Heartbroken, Regan runs away. She runs to a field with a door that says “Be Sure”, without thinking twice she walks through; what she finds she wasn’t expecting. This novel was a magical ride through a mystical land. It started off with such heavy topics that the reader was intrigued where this story was going to go. Then a few chapters in the story took a complete 180 turn into a fantastical land that changed the tone of the novel. What started off as serious turned whimsical and it was a little jarring to go from one to the other. The writing was still really well done and the story was well crafted; the reader found it hard to stop once they started reading. It had a good pace to it and the characters were well rounded with a lot of intrigue. They all had flaws about them, but it would have been nice to dig a little deeper into the characters; it felt like they weren’t developed to their full potential. This novel was so short that it felt over before it even started. The reader wasn’t prepared for it to just end the way that it did. Hopefully McGuire will write more on these characters because the reader would definitely like to visit them again. This was a nice addition to the series that the reader enjoyed, but would love more of.