Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Chalk Man

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a great week so far! Today I’m going to be reviewing C.J. Tudor’s novel The Chalk Man.

Oh. My. God. This book was SO good! This was recommended to me by my friend’s sister and I am so happy that she did because this was a thrilling and suspenseful read. I bought this on my trip, while in Edinburgh, which I’m also glad I did because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have had reading material for the end of my trip! 😛

The Chalk Man

The Chalk Man by: C.J. Tudor: Eddie, along with his friends, start using chalk men to send each other messages as kids in 1986, when one day one of those chalk men lead them to a body. Now thirty years later, the chalk men are showing up again. This leads all of five of them to come together once more to find out and solve the mysteries surrounding the chalk men once and for all. This was a fast paced and chilling novel. The plot was quite addictive; Tudor really leaves the reader grasping for more. The way she would end chapters left more to be desired as well there was always something more to be discovered as she made it so that the reader couldn’t guess who did any of the crimes. The fact that Tudor kept changing the direction of the novel at first felt like a ploy to ensure all characters had a fair chance of being suspected of something, but as the reader continued it felt like a good plot device as the story got deeper and the plot thickened. The characters were well developed and wonderfully crafted. Reading from the main character’s perspectives from two different ages was creative and served as great character growth and development; it also really played well for the overall story. This was a captivating read from the start, and even as the reader got to the end this bone-chilling sense of dread washed over the reader ensuring that this is something that won’t be forgotten anytime soon. This was definitely a rollercoaster of a ride, with so many plot twists that keep the reader invested, and is worth reading.