Monthly Wrap-Ups

October Wrap-Up

Hi guys! Welcome to the first of November! It’s time for yet another recap of the past month! Let’s get into it!

If you missed September’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
‘Salem’s Lot
Traitor of the Throne






Still reading ‘Salem’s Lot. I’m enjoying it so far, I’m about 100 pages in. Only 29 more weeks to go!
I started reading Mockingjay to finish up the Hunger Games re-read; I do still really enjoy these novels!
I started Traitor of the Trone (Rebel of the Sands #2) eariler this week. I have to say it’s longer than I anticipated!

What I read this month:

I managed to read 12 books this months. I have no idea how, but I ain’t mad.

Fall of the Poppies by: Various Authors
The Two-Family House by: Lynda Cohen Loigman
Big Mushy Happy Lump (Sarah Scribbles #2) by: Sarah Andersen
These Ruthless Deeds (These Vicious Masks #2) by: Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zekas
Shelter by: Jung Yun
Evicted by: Matthew Desmond
The Mark of Athena (The Heroes of Olympus #3) by: Rick Riordan
The North Water by: Ian McGuire
Herding Cats (Sarah Scribbles #3) by: Sarah Andersen
Rebel of the Sands (Rebel of the Sands #1) by: Alwyn Hamilton
Wink Poppy Midnight by: April Genevieve Tucholke
The Way I Used to Be by: Amber Smith

My bookstagram has been seriously lacking this month. I always say I’ll try harder next month, but I doubt that will happen. Here are the three measly photos I did take.

Book Reviews this month:

Unhooked by: Lisa Maxwell
Miss Kopp Just Won’t Quit (The Kopp Sisters #4) by: Amy Stewart
Summerlost by: Ally Condie
The Witchlands series by: Sarah Dennard
Fall of the Poppies by: Various Authors
The Two-Family House by: Lynda Cohen Loigman
Shelter by: Jung Yun

Currently Watching:
Season 5
Season 3
Season 15







Season 2
Season 5
Season 3







Season 2
Season 35














I’m still trying to make my way through Bob’s Burgers, but guys I finished season 4!!!
I’m still continuing with all my TV shows.
The Good Doctor has become my new favourite, This Is Us is just so heartwarming… when it isn’t being sad. The Good Place is hilarious! Grey’s Anatomy is my guilty pleasure, I’ve been watching it for so long. How to Get Away With Murder seems to get stranger and stranger, I can’t wait to find out about the murder at Oli & Connor’s wedding! I of course can’t forget Jeopardy! I am obsessed with it! Station 19 started up this month, and I have to say I’m liking it more than I thought I would.

I couldn’t forget about my boys. The hockey season kicked off October 3 and it’s been a wild ride so far! 💙🍁💙

What I Watched this month:
Season 4
Insidious 3
The Grudge








Halloweentown II
The Addams Family








The Addams Family Values
Hocus Pocus
Poltergeist (2015)








Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
The Sixth Sense








Catching Fire
The Rocky Horror Picture Show









I am still on my journey through Bob’s Burgers. Don’t judge me. But I did finish season 4, so I’m making progress… just very slowly.

As it’s October, I’ve been trying to watch Halloween/horror/thriller movies Insidious 3 was one of them. A few Holloweens back my brother and I watched the first two and of course Netflix only has this one.

I watched The Grudge. I was supposed to watch the sequels, but that unfortunately didn’t happen. The Grudge wasn’t bad, could have been scarier for my taste, but for what it was, it was good.

I got a bunch of movies from the library… Halloweentown and Halloweentown II were among them! I have such a good time rewatching these, even if they’re cheesy! The Addams Family plus The Addams Family Values and Hocus Pocus were also a some that I got. When I went back to the library the following week I picked up Poltergeist, unfortunately it was the 2015 version, and uhhhh just not good. The Sixth Sense was a much better follow up. Texas Chainsaw Massacre was good, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Inferno was not part of my Halloween watch, I just happened to see it since my mum wanted to watch something and it worked because she’s seen the past films; I read the books.
I’m also adding that I watched Catching Fire, technically I watched it in September after my re-read of the book, but I was having such a hard time configuring images in that blog post that I’m just added it here!

A last minute add! I watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show last night. I forgot how much of a good movie it is! 😀 I enjoyed it so much!

TV Tuesday Posts:

A Series of Unfortunate Events Season Two
Riverdale Season Two


Posts from the Month

Music Monday: The Hockey Song by: Stompin’ Tom Connors
Music Monday: Ruin by: Shawn Mendes

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Love to Meet
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookstores/Libraries I’ve Always Wanted to Visit
Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween/Creepy Freebie (Stephen King Edition)

First Impressions Friday: The Two-Family House by: Lynda Cohen Loigman
First Impression Friday: The Way I Used to Be by: Amber Smith

October, for the most part was good. I had a few hiccups, but I decided not to let those things get in the way of bettering myself and challenging myself, if you will. On the first of October I set a list of goals that I wanted to achieve for the month.

I have to say, I think I did pretty well. I think actually having this list made me want to work harder at it than just saying I was going to do something. If you follow me on Twitter you can follow along with my progress. I will probably be doing another for November!

I got my my bike for a total of 5 times this month, which is a hellva lot better than September, when I didn’t ride it at all. Shameful, I know!

I did bake a pie for Thanksgiving and it was delicious. It was my first time making a pumpkin pie and I have to say I winged the spices a little bit 😝

I also got my baking on and I made a Apple Cinnamon Cake Loaf… that was a huge hit in my family… which means something because they are my biggest critics.
Because it was such a giant hit, I made it a second time! Two weekends in a row.

I completed my 2018 Goodreads Reading Challenge at the beginning of October! I have since gone over that number, as I’m at 103 books! 🙂

I managed to watch a total of 10 ‘Halloween’ movies.

The only thing I didn’t really do was figure out the skating schedule. I really thought that if I wrote it down I would do it, but alas there is always next month!

Here are some additional photos from the past month that I felt worthy enough to show.

I hope you all had a fantastic month.

12 thoughts on “October Wrap-Up

  1. I love The Addams Family movies, they are so much fun! 😀 I seriously need to watch Hocus Pocus, for some reason I have never seen it. (I don’t think they aired it on the tv stations that I had.)
    I’m glad to see that October was a good month for you. Also, congrats on completing your Goodreads reading challenge. That’s amazing! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are! I think I saw them years ago because I had recollections of the movies, but I don’t actually remembering seeing them! 😛
      You should really watch Hocus Pocus, it’s a lot of fun! 😀
      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great recap for this month Meghan, and it seems like you had a great October as well, I really love the fact that there were so many Halloween films on your ‘watched’ list, very appropriate for the month, and I’ll wish you luck with your Bookstagram next month too. I really struggled with Bookstagram when I had an account, in the end I just had to make the call that it wasn’t for me. 🙂 Your bakes look really yummy, and oh congrats on beating your Goodreads goal for the year! 😀
    Great recap, and I hope you have a great November too. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Beth! Haha thanks; I really wanted to watch some Halloween movies and I’m really glad I got to so many!
      Thanks! I kicked November off on the right foot… I just have to keep it that way! I get it, it’s not for everyone, but it’ll always be there if you ever decide to come back! 🙂
      Aw, thank you! I always think I won’t beat my Goodreads challenge and then I surpass it! 😛
      I hope you have a great November as well! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s all right, and well there are some amazing Halloween movies, and you can only watch them once a year so make the most of that once a year I say! 😀
        I’m sure you will, and that’s all right. I felt like that at the start of the year, but I’m on track to complete my GR reading challenge so it turned out OK in the end.
        Thanks Meghan. 🙂 ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ah, it sounds like you had a great month Meghan 😀 I love all the horror/Halloween movies and the baking!!! I usually watch Halloweentown and Hocus Pocus on Halloween night but didn’t have time this year so I’ll need to have an honorary Halloween so I can watch them 😂 Congrats on reaching your Goodreads goal 🎉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lauren! 🙂 Oh you definitely need to set a day in the near future to watch those! They are such classics! They’re cheesy, but remind me of being a kid! 😀
      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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