Monthly Wrap-Ups

November Wrap-Up


Hi guys! I can’t believe it’s the last day of November already! Today I’m going to wrapping up & rambling a lot 🙄😅 about my November! Let’s get into it!

If you missed September’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
‘Salem’s Lot
The House of Hades
The Glittering Court




Still reading ‘Salem’s Lot. I’m enjoying it so far, I’m about 200 pages in. Only 25 more weeks to go!

I’m on to book 4 in the Heroes of Olympus series! I’m excited to get back into this world so far The House of Hades has been a fun read!

I’m currently reading The Glittering Court, but I’d really like to finish it today!

What I read this month:

I read a total of 10 books this month; definitely a slower month, but when you see everything I did this month I think you’ll understand!

Traitor of the Throne (Rebel of the Sands #2) by: Alwyn Hamilton
welcome to ghost town by: Gretchen Gomaz
The Girl Who Fell by: S.M. Parker
When We Collided by: Emery Lord
Harry Potter: Film Wizardry by: Brian Sibley
The Steep and Thorny Way by: Cat Winters
Guilty with an Explanation by: Trevor Toop
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3) by: Suzanne Collins
The Regional Office is Under Attack! by: Manuel Gonzales
Dodgers by: Bill Beverly

Again, my bookstagram failed… maybe next month?

Book Reviews this month:

Evicted by: Matthew Desmond
The Sarah Scribbles Collection by: Sarah Andersen
The North Water by: Ian McGuire
Wink Poppy Midnight by: April Genevieve Tucholke
The Way I Used to Be by: Amber Smith
The Girl Who Fell by: S.M. Parker


Currently Watching:
Season 5
Season 2
Season 3







Season 35








I’m continuing on with all my TV shows that are on TV, although the Winter break has come for many of them and they won’t be back until January… which just means that I’ll be getting more time to read 😝

I actually have to catch up on The Good Place, as I’ve been bad and haven’t be able to watch it live.

The Good Doctor goes on break next week so I’m still watching!

Yes, I’m still watching Bob’s Burgers.

I’m also still religiously watching my hockey! I even stayed up until 12:45 am to be on California time to watch them win! Go Leafs Go! 💙🍁💙

What I Watched this month:
Season 5ish
Season 1
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Halloween (1978)








Mockingjay Part 1
The Witches








I am still on my journey through Bob’s Burgers. Don’t judge me. Netflix doesn’t give me the option to download this show so I can’t watch it on the go… which is making this really hard to watch!

Crazy me wanted to start a really long TV show, what best than 15 seasons of ER! It’s been on my list for a long time and the library was hyping it up as “bingeworthy” so what better opportunity? So far I’m really enjoying it. I’m enjoying getting to know all the characters; I’m excited to see where they go!

I watched Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. Oh, my word. That movie was hilarious! Definitely recommend it!

I watched Halloween since I got it from the library. I found it to be really slowly paced and I just didn’t enjoy it. I would like to see the 2018 sequel though.

I’m trying to complete my re-watch to go along with my re-read of the Hunger Games so I watched Mockingjay Part 1 I actually really like the way they filmed this movie. I like the elements they used from the books; it was very well done. I still have to re-watch the second part!

The Witches was on my movies list to watch in October, but my hold at the library finally came through, and it was worth the wait!

TV Tuesday Posts:

Thirteen Reason Why Season Two
Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Five


Posts from the Month

Music Monday: I Hate Everything About You by: Three Days Grace
Music Monday: Fall to Pieces by: Avril Lavigne

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Items/Merchandise I’d Like to Own [My Birthday Edition]
Top Ten Tuesday: Platonic Relationships In Books

Like last month, I decided to make a list of goals on Twitter for the month of November!

I still managed to get on my bike, despite some colder and windier temperatures. I managed to get out time. I think my days of biking may be over. We got a dumping of snow mid-way through the month, which to me is too early for snow ❄️ but nothing I can do about it!

I did it! I made it official, I bought my plane ticket to Glasgow, Scotland! ✈️ The last weekend in November (meaning last weekend 😝) I just got up the courage to actually do it, I sat in front my computer and just bought it! It really helped that I only had one option for flying into Scotland. Flying home I had two or three options… I just chose the cheapest 😝 So in total I spent an hour booking my flights. Next step is hotels, but I may wait until the new year for that!

Skating fell very, very flat. I don’t even think I’m going to put it on my goals for next month because I don’t think it’s going to stick. I tried, and failed… very badly.

Aside from failing with skating, my baking also fell by the wayside, but I hope to pick that up next month!

Besides having this list of goals I did celebrate my birthday and boy was it a celebration. My birthday was on the 13th so the weekend before I decided to celebrate. Me and two of my other co-workers went out to an event called ‘Mom’s Night Out’ (yes I realize I’m not a mom, but the event was open to all ladies) we went mostly because it was another co-worker’s sister who’s event it was. We all had a blast! We got our nails done, a massage, half a facial (as she only did our nose and chin) we got one free drink, but when a glass of wine cost 5$ how can you say no?! There were a lot of munchies, and perogies… damn they were SO good! At the end of the night I ended up winning a large floral boutique! (seen in above bookstagram photo) It was definitely a fun event.

I got home only to wake roughly 5 hours later as I had to be on UK time to try and get Spice Girls tickets for their reunion tour next June. I was on the phone with my friend (who is currently in the UK studying) for an hour, but it took us 40 minutes to get tickets! The amount of times it told us “Something went wrong” was ridiculous! I found it quite funny that I’m the one who was able to get them when I’m miles and miles, across an ocean away 😝 What I learned from this experience as I’ve never tried to buy tickets for another country’s date: 1) Ticketmaster only works for the country you have an account with. My Canadian account was void, my friend made a UK account as a back-up, thank god she did! 2) I found this funny, it’ll take all my credit card information, address and all, except my postal code! So when everything was said and done it had my address, with my friend’s postal code, bizarre right? 😂

All that to say my friend and I are going to be seeing the Spice Girls in June at Wembley Stadium!!!

I was supposed to go out Saturday night, but my plans got cancelled. Instead my parents decided to surprise me with a KitchenAid Stand-Up Mixer!! (seen above in bookstagram photo) 😭 I was beyond surprised. I never would have though they would do that. I think they’re trying to ‘make-up’ for all the big tools they bought my brother last year 😝

On my actual birthday I went out to dinner with my parents to Red Lobster. They had this endless shrimp promotion… omg so much shrimp 🍤. I had 7 options to choose from. My first were butter garlic shrimp, very tasty, and sesame seed shrimp, not my favourite but still good. Our waiter kept asking me what I wanted to try next. He ended up surprising me with Fiesta Shrimp, which was breaded shrimp, but the breading was made out of corn chips, with cheese drizzled on top with pico de gallo… mmmm so good! He then brought me shrimp linguine to take home! Then he comes over with cake and a candle, I was like ‘I see a candle’ my waiter goes it’s for another table, meanwhile he had brought another coworker with him who goes ‘you told me to come to this table!’ So my waiter had to fess up, ha! 😂 He proceeded to guess my name, ugh, then sing happy birthday. All in all, it was a good meal!

The next day my group of coworkers went out for lunch, since there are four of us celebrating a birthday in November! That was also really nice!

The following weekend, my friend who lives in New York was home so some of my friends decided to have a game night. It was a lot of fun. I’ve never played Clue before, and one of my friends had the Harry Potter edition and it was a lot of fun!

I also baked brownies that night, I am very impressed with how they came out!

Then the following weekend, I really rode out of my birthday this year, but you only turn 25 once… or so I was told 😉 I ended up going to a place called the Rec Room in Toronto. I’ve wanted to go since I saw the commercial last year, so I asked one if my best friend’s if she wanted to go. The place was definitely cozy because it’s a little small to host all the people that go through it. Anyways, what we learned was that it’s probably best to make a reservation for dinner before getting there, we were told it would be an hour and a half wait (which in reality ended up being 45 minutes because by the time we went to the snack bar to grab a beer and fries, our table was ready). The food is good; small menu, but covers all the basics (although they had 3 types of mac & cheese!). I had cod to go with my fries.

Afterwards me and my friend loaded up the game chip they give you and we went off to play the games. They’re basically all video games you’d see in an arcade, but still it’s a lot of fun! As you play you rack up points, then there’s a gift shop where you can use those points and only those points to get something. I tried to get a cap for my brother by using my points and paying for it and they said no 🙃 so I got him a shot glass instead 😝

I hope you all had a fantastic month.

I apologize for how large these photos are! I’m having an issue with Flickr (as they are changing the way they host & you have to pay now! 😡) If anyone knows of a site that is like Flickr where I can store my photos (for free or a low cost [preferably Canadian and not US funds]), please let me know! Thanks! 🙂

11 thoughts on “November Wrap-Up

  1. I am totally jealous that you’re seeing the spice girls in concert!☺️ Take lots of videos and pictures because I am going to have to live vicariously through you! And also those shrimp look so good!😍 LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I still can’t believe it… I think I need someone to pinch me! 😝I will definitely be taking as much photo/video as I can!
      Oh I know! Endless shrimp, like yes please!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, Salem’s Lot is awesome! 🙂
    I started watching the new season of The Good Place a few weeks ago, not realizing that not all episodes were out yet.

    That night out sounds cool! That’s pretty much how i imagine i’d want to “party” 😀

    Brownies look amazing too ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I keep going back and forth with Salem’s Lot… it’s probably because I’m reading it bit by bit each week!
      Oh, yeah the season is about to go on break for Christmas so there’s about 10 episodes, but all so good!

      Haha, it was a lot of fun! I can’t wait to go back!
      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great recap Meghan, and it seems like you had a good month too. Wow I’m sure seeing the Spice Girls in June will be fun, that will bring back a lot of memories for sure right?! Also you got through so many books (that’s amazing). I really hope you love House of Hades, the Heroes of Olympus series is incredible but anything by Rick Riordan is amazing.
    Great post, and I hope you have a brilliant December as well. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Beth! 🙂 Oh it definitely will. I never got to see them when they were touring in the 90s so this is my chance!
      Haha, thank you! I don’t know how I did it 😛
      Currently I’m really loving it! One of the best in the series!
      Thanks Beth, you too! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  4. House of Hades is one of my absolute favourites from the HoO series. I hope you continue to enjoy it!

    The Good Place is the best! I caught up on season 3 on a bus trip back home and I love it so much omg

    It sounds like you had an amazing month. I hope December is great for you too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s my favourite out of all of them so far! I just picked up The Blood of Olympus from the library!
      It is! I got caught up this weekend! This season has been so cute & I’ve a;most cried so many times! 😭
      Thank you! I hope you’re November was good too! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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