Monthly Wrap-Ups

January 2020 Wrap-Up

Here we are guys! The first month of the year already coming to a close, how is that already happening?! Although, if I’m being honest January also felt like 100 years… how is that even possible? Anyways, today I’m here to wrap up the first month of 2020!

If you missed December’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
The Stand

I’m still in the very beginning of this novel (like 9% and only 31 more weeks to go!) but The Stand has peaked my interest and I’m so interested to know about this disease that is going to kill everyone. I’m not a big fan of all the characters we’ve been introduced to, I honestly don’t think we need this many, but I’m interested to see how they all connect.

The Uglies

At the beginning of the year (this month 😅) I decided after looking at these on my shelves that I would re-read The Uglies. So far, I’m really enjoying it. I’m about 49% of the way through and every day I get excited to read a chapter because I have no idea where the story is going… yes I remember nothing from these books!

Holding up the Universe

I just started reading Holding up the Universe today… I’m not sure how I feel about it just yet. I’m 30 pages in and I’m just like, hmmm am I going to like this? I like that the chapters are really short so I’m surprised on my short commute to work I’ve gotten that far. I will solider on and hopefully it’ll get better.

What I read this month:

I read a total of 7 books this month, not as many as usual, but they’ve all been pretty good reads! My Instagram game as been on point and I’m really proud of myself!

Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicle #2) by: Jay Kristoff
Two by Two by: Nicholas Sparks
DarkDawn (The Nevernight Chronicle #3) by: Jay Kristoff
Bright Smoke, Cold Fire (Bright Smoke, Cold Fire #1) by: Rosamund Hodge
Small Great Things by: Jodi Picoult
The Lovely Reckless by: Kami Garcia
We Used to Be Friends by: Amy Spalding

Book Reviews this month:

My Lady Jane (The Lady Janies #1) by: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows
The Invisible Life of Ivan Isaenko by: Scott Stambach
My Plain Jane (The Lady Janies #2) by: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows
The Outsiders by: S.E. Hinton
The Female of the Species by: Mindy McGinnis

Currently Watching:
Season 3

The Good Doctor is back and honestly I don’t know how much I’m still feeling this show. I’m still going to watch until the end of the season, but I may not pick it up if it gets renewed. So far, it’s really been about Shawn and his sex life and I just don’t find that interesting. If this show is about an autistic person working towards being a doctor, can it just be that? Why does this romance need to be added I find it so unnecessary.

Season 4

This Is Us is also back and I’m liking it more now that before the break. The stories of the siblings is getting extremely intense and I’m totally there for it. Like this show is sad and I’m usually never prepared for the episode before it starts because the end always leaves me feeling super sad. It really plays with your emotions!

Season 4

Kim’s Convenience is back for a fourth season and I’m so excited! I love this show SO much. Not only is it Canadian, but the representation and the depth of these stories and how they are told in such a comedic way is truly the best. I don’t remember the past 3 seasons being as open and straight forward about race, gender equality and gender fluidity, but this season is not holding back, and I’m enjoying it.

Season 2

Station 19 has also returned from winter break and of the two episodes that I’ve seen, it was really well done and I’m interested to see where the rest of the season is going to go.

Season 16

Grey’s Anatomy is also back, so yeah pretty much all my shows have returned… and before the winter break I wasn’t too into Grey’s, but I think part of my faith has been restored, but it’s only been two episodes. I’m curious to see where they are going to take some plots… I think I will always be trash for this show.

Season 4

I’m adding The Good Place to my “watching” list as the series finale was last night (I CAN’T BELIEVE IT 😭)… and I’m behind 2 episodes. This show has been an amazing look at the existential questions we have and determining what makes a good or bad person, it’s been such a fun journey!

Season 11

I’m still continuing my watch of ER. I’m nearing the end of the series (I have 4 more seasons after this) but this still continues to be my favourite doctor/hospital show to date. Doesn’t matter this show takes place 15-20 years ago, these plots are still relevant.

What I Watched this month:
Season 2

I actually caught up quite quickly with season 2 of YOU. Wow, what a season, I talk more about it in my TV Tuesday post, but there were so many things I didn’t see coming. This season tried to normalize Joe and tried to make him seem like he was trying to get better, but wow I don’t think he can get better. I do like how we see snippets of his childhood, but like I said, his shitty childhood isn’t a free pass for him to act the way that he does.

Season 1 & 2

This has to be the best thing I’ve found this year (so far! But I have high expectations now, ha!) Bananya is a Japanese Anime short (each episode is just under 3 minutes) and it follows the adventures of Bananya, half cat, half banana and friends. The only reason I ever found out this existed was my brother got my a bookmark with 4 of the characters on it… after doing more research into it, we found out it was a show… I’m telling you, this is the most bizarre, but hilarious thing that I 110% recommend!

The Nine Lives of Christmas

Yes… it’s January and I was still watching Christmas movies! My co-worker knew I was going to enjoy The Nine Lives of Christmas so she let me borrow it… omg this is now being added to the Christmas movie list that I must watch every year. This was such a cute movie, and had cats! As much as I hate girl hate… which a lot of these movies are based on *eyeroll* I really enjoyed watching the will-they-won’t-they that the two main characters dance around.

The Shining (1980)

Since I finished reading The Shining it was only a matter of time I got around to watching the movie. Wow, why is this movie almost 3 hours? Like while watching it I have to say it doesn’t always feel like that, but there are stretches were I’m like this really didn’t need to be included. Then on top, Shelley Duvall’s acting is just, ugh, the worst… I had such a hard time watching it because of her. All that aside though, I did enjoy it.

Season 3

I wasn’t a fan of season two, but damn, season 3 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel was actually really good. Watching as Midge starts to watch her comedy career take off, all while still trying to raise her kids, and divorce her husband. Then there’s her parents she has to worry about, it’s definitely a drama that I can’t help but be so engaged in. The ending of the season promised so much hope, but then left us feeling so heartbroken… I’m so curious, that if there is a season 4, what is going to happen!

The Shining (1997)

I also watched the mini series of The Shining to get all of it out of my system. This was definitely an experience… and if you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that not only did I get the experience of watching this like it was someone’s VHS recording, it had 1997 commercials in it as well, really an experience. Beyond that though, this was a completely different take on the book, meaning it followed the book to like a T compared to the movie. I enjoyed seeing the book literally come to life, but it got dull too.

The Last Jedi

I also made it to the movies! I went to see The Last Jedi and I enjoyed it. There was A LOT happening and some things I didn’t totally agree with, but for the most part I enjoyed it… it makes me want to re-watch all of the movies from the beginning.

TV Tuesday Posts:

Let’s Talk About… The Crown Season Three
Let’s Talk About… YOU Season Two

Posts from the Month

WWW Wednesday #1
WWW Wednesday #2
WWW Wednesday #3
WWW Wednesday #4

Bookish Christmas Book Tag
The Awesome Blogger Award
The Liebster Award V
The Not-So-Perfect Book Tag

Bony’s 2020 Bookish & Personal Goals

The Stephen King Project: The Shining

The first thing I want to talk about is the few changes I’ve implemented (and will continue to do so throughout the year) on my blog! The first you’ll note is that I’ve started diving into WWW Wednesdays… I find them rather enjoyable to talk about all the books I’m currently or recently finished reading, as well as what I’ll be reading soon! 📚
The second thing is that Music Mondays are a thing of the past (for now… ) on my blog. They may come back, but as of 2020 they are on hold.
The third thing is how I’m structuring my review posts! Before I used to bulk my series/trilogies/duologies all into one long post… now I’m doing 1 review per post to make it easier on me, and easier on the reader!

Look at me, changing it all up this year… I’m proud of myself because I’m not normally a person for change.

Now, as for my life outside of the blog, I have to say I can’t complain!

I rang in the new year with a drink by my side… and that’s really all you need right?

I started the year by actually doing things I said I was going to do… (well my room is still a work in progress 😅 I have gone through all my clothes and either threw out or donated anything I don’t wear, doesn’t fit or don’t like), see my tweet:

But I’ve been driving to the library myself, I’ve run errands myself, I even baked (sorry I’m horrible and took no photos)! I started knitting again… even my brother goes, it’s been a while, yes it has; it’s been pretty good.

A definite highlight to this month would be the trip to Niagara Falls I took with two of my best friends… they picked me up from work one dreary Friday and we, first off, went to Book Outlet… which I didn’t realize was an actual store I thought it was strictly online… guess what, you’re girl came out empty handed. I’m so proud of myself! We checked into our hotel, went to dinner, hit the casino… it was a great night… even if I won no money haha!

The next day we hopped the border to Buffalo to do a bit of shopping and of course hit Olive Garden… they have so many shrimp options I was in heaven! Great trip!

Not a great photo of my shrimp pasta dish… the lighting was just not happening:

Even though I bought no books when I went to Book Outlet, a few weeks later I went to the mall with my brother and he let me goes to Coles and I just bought a bunch of books because I was in the mood. I’m so excited to read all three!

I told myself that this would be the year I focus on myself, and take a step back from everyone. I always feel like I’m pushing and forcing things that I just need to step back… and as much as I’ve succeeded this month, I’ve also failed miserably… but the saying is “try, try, again” and so I pick up and start again each time.

I’m not going to end this on a downer… SO here’s something I’m going to add at the end of every wrap up this month… I’m so excited! So for Christmas, my brother got me a calendar, but it’s not any ordinary calendar… OH NO… it’s BETTER. It’s a paint-by-sticker cat calendar! Isn’t it the greatest! I can’t wait to do February’s tomorrow!

9 thoughts on “January 2020 Wrap-Up

  1. I’d love to take insta photo of every book I read, but since I mostly read on my Kindle, I would need to come up with ten different ways of how to take a photo of Kindle 😀

    We are watching The Walking Dead now. Currently on season 5. It’s pretty good, I love the whole survival theme.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh, yeah that would definitely become a challenge. I still think it’s a challenge to take a photo of all my physical books! 😂
      For some reason, I’ve never been into the Walking Dead… like I’ve even been to Atlanta and seen where they film it, still doesn’t make me want to watch ha! Glad to hear you’re enjoying it thought!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Eh I need more info on this cat sticker calendar!!! Is it like a sticker a day that together combine to make a detailed picture??? I NEED MORE DETAILS!!! Also I love these monthly wrap ups of yours, it’s so interesting to read about all the things you’re doing. Hope February is gonna be a kick ass month for you :))))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Well, you could do it one day at a time if you really wanted to, but I don’t have the patience for that. But basically, it’s exactly like paint by numbers where each part is numbered but instead of painting it that colour, you place a sticker in that place!
      I just did February’s yesterday and it took me close to two hours to complete! Very therapeutic!
      Aw, thank you Emer! 💞 I hope you have a kick ass February too! 💥

      Liked by 1 person

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