Monthly Wrap-Ups

February 2019 Wrap-Up

Hi guys! I am so glad that February is over! It’s been one helluva month and I’m ready for March and Spring to arrive. 🌷🌺🌻 It’s that time of the month to recap what went down, let’s get into it!

If you missed January’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
‘Salem’s Lot
Forever in Blue
These Vengeful Souls






Beneath the Sugar Sky




Still reading ‘Salem’s Lot. I’m well into part 2 and things are getting intense, I’m about 400 pages in. Only 11 more weeks to go!

I’m continuing on with the Sisterhood series, I’m right in the middle of Forever in Blue by Ann Brashares, the fourth novel and I love these girls, I love these stories! I will be sad when I finish reading these.

Okay, so technically I’m reading an additional book this month. I went to take the ebook of Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire out from the library and… I only got a week with it (instead of 3) and so I’m so slow with reading ebooks and 175 will take some time so I’m going to try and be proactive about it, but on the other hand I can only read this on my laptop (as I don’t own a kindle or kobo and I don’t have a mobile app for this ebook) so I started to read These Vengeful Souls by Tarun Shanker for my commute… and it’s an interlibrary loan and I can’t renew it… also we can’t renew ebooks for some reason… it’s really strange. Long story short… I have a lot of books on the go 😬😁

What I read this month:

This month I managed to read 9 books. That’s not bad… as for my Instagram game… well that fell off the wagon, but it’s been a trying month so please forgive me.

The Second Summer of the Sisterhood (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants #2) by: Ann Brashares
Before I Go to Sleep by: S.J. Watson
Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children #1) by: Seanan McGuire
Scarlett Epstein Hates it Here by: Anna Breslaw
Outrun the Moon by: Stacey Lee
Girls in Pants (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants #3) by: Ann Brashares
Down Among the Sticks and Bones (Wayward Children #2) by: Seanan McGuire
Highly Illogical Behavior by: John Corey Whaley
On the Come Up by: Angie Thomas

Book Reviews this month:

The Heroes of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #1-5) by: Rick Riordan
Lady Helen (Lady Helen #1-3) by: Alison Goodman
The Unexpected Everything by: Morgan Matson
The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court #1-3) by: Richelle Mead
Lilac Girls by: Martha Hall Kelly
Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3) by: Cassandra Clare

Currently Watching:
Season 5
Season 3
Season 2
Season 3


Season 15






Season 6
Season 8








Season 35
Season 1








Season 4

I still don’t know where Gotham is going, but I’m enjoying this weird ride we’re on for the final season. We’re really close to the end, and it’ll be weird not watching it anymore

Kim’s Convenience is more than halfway through its third season, and I’m loving every moment, I seriously can’t get enough! I love this show so much ❤️

All my go-to shows are still in swing (minus How to Get Away With Murder): The Good DoctorThis Is Us, and Grey’s Anatomy.

The start of last month I was very excited about the new season of Brooklyn Nine Nine and I’m not disappointed. There have been the few off episodes, but everything has made me laugh.

I’m chugging away at Bob’s Burgers. At the rate I’m going, I’m going to be finished next month… someone, please tell me what I should binge next that is like Bob’s Burgers!

I still try to catch my Jeopardy every day… there is something about this show that makes me feel really smart when I get answers right! 😝 Plus now they just started up their All-Stars championship… and I am enjoying this so much! They have teams made up from the best of the best, all past champions. It’s so cool to see some past contestants again… I just can’t decide who I want to win, Team Buzzy, Team Colby, or Team Austin 😝

I started watching The Haunting of Hill House, and don’t get me wrong, I am loving that series, like so much! but I had to stop 6 epiosdes in, in order to start season 4 of ER since I don’t think I’ll be able to return it. I’m telling you, it was quite a conundrum trying to figure out what I was going to do. The struggles of having something come in at the library when you’re not ready for it 😛

I’m also still religiously watching my hockey! Go Leafs Go! 💙🍁💙

What I Watched this month:
Bird Box
Like Father









My Best Friend’s Wedding
Won’t You be My Neighbor?









Season 6 & 7
Season 3
Season 3









Season 5
Season 3

I finally, finally watched Bird Box. It only took me forever. I’m really trying to get through my list on Netflix. Here are my thoughts on this film that was truly thrilling.

I started this month by watching some throwback films… yes I’ve never seen Clueless but when I saw it on Netflix I couldn’t help but watch it. Same goes with My Best Friend’s Wedding. I saw that on Netflix and decided to watch it… and stray from my list a little 😛

Going through my list on Netflix and I watched Like Father. I knew nothing going into this other than Kristen Bell is in it and I have to say it wasn’t half bad. I’ll have my thoughts on this up tomorrow.

I started watching the Oscars… I made it an hour in before turning on Won’t You Be My Neighbor? and I regret nothing, great documentary on Mister Rogers, my thoughts will be up sometime next month.

Continuing my binge watch of Bob’s Burgers. I think I may finish sooner than I thought! I’ll need to find a new show to binge!

I’ve also finished season 3 of ER. I’m slowly, slowly making my way through this series. I’m one step closer!

I also finished the last season of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I’m going to miss that show so much! I loved the last season the best. They really did such a good job turning the books into a tv show!

The season (or possibly the series [as they haven’t decided to renew this show or not]) finale of How to Get Away With Murder is on tonight and I will be watching, after last week’s cliff hanger of an episode, I will most definitely be watching. If this series doesn’t get picked up for a 6th season I’ll be sad, it was a great show.

I did a mini catch-up on Riverdale since I had 4 or 5 epiosdes I was behind on. I’m all caught up, but man, what is that show? Why am I trash for it?

TV Tuesday Posts:

Black Mirror Season Three
Black Mirror Season Four

Posts from the Month

Movie Review: Ralph Breaks the Internet
Movie Review: Black Mirror: Bandersnatch
Movie Review: Coco

Music Monday: Not Meant to Be by: Theory of a Deadman
Music Monday: Slipped Away by: Avril Lavigne

Liebster Award II

I have to say the month started off quite slowly and has been quite the shit show. Let’s just say that my 2019 has taken so many turns that I haven’t seen coming. If it continues this way I feel I may not have eyes by December because they will be all cried out.

The weather has been crazy. We’ve had more snow days this month than the past couple years combined. It’s like every week in February had a day where it was brutal. And of course yesterday we got one more dumping of 15-20 cm… and where do we put it? We already have snow banks! ❄️❄️⛄️

Work has been hell, like I don’t even want to get up to go anymore, it’s just hell. We hired two people who I just don’t get along with and it’s been rough. Then to round it out my grandpa passed away mid-month and so the preparations for that took over our lives. It’s been a very, very long month.

On a happier note, since I didn’t bake at all in January, I thought I would change that in February. I was given a gingerbread cookie mix, since I’m known to bake, back in December and so I last minute busted out the mixer to make gingerbread cookies (not from scratch 😕).

Sadly, that was the only baking I did this month. I did go to Paint Nite once more… or it should have been called, Paint Noon… since it was at 2 in the afternoon. My friend who I went with last time wanted to go again for her birthday so my group of close friends out and painted Cherry Blossom trees. We went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant, then ended up at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 😋 I don’t like their doughnuts (bad experience when I was a kid) so I just got a coffee, but it was still a good times with my friends 🙂

And now that we’re at the end, this is how I feel

I hope you all had a better month than I did! 😊

14 thoughts on “February 2019 Wrap-Up

  1. Aw, sorry to hear about your grandpa 😦

    Also colleagues from hell is something i became familiar with recently. Let’s hope your newbies won’t pass their probation either 😀

    I used to watch This Is Us, but didn’t realize S3 is already here! Guess i’m gonna catch up on it over the weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, it was sudden, but not at the same time. He was getting up there (95) and we knew he was declining, but thank you 🙂

      Right?! I’m so tired of it, and I don’t have time to but up with their BS anymore!

      It’s crazy how time just flies! Happy watching! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. At least February is only a short month right?! But I know what you mean because I couldn’t wait for it to be over either! 🙂
    You got through a decent amount of books last month (so many more than I did as well). Are you enjoying the Wayward Children books? I just finished the fourth one today and honestly that’s a series I love so much. 🙂
    Great recap, and I hope you have a good March as well. 🙂 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad February is short. I am enjoying them! I just got my hold at the library for the fourth book so I’ll be reading it soon!
      Thank you Beth! I hope you have a good March too! 😀 ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so exited for spring to come as well! It’s my favourite season and to be honest I have gotten sick of the cold weather. I can’t wait for all the flowers to bloom! 😀
    I really want to watch The Haunting of Hill House and The Series of Unfortunate Events! I have heard amazing things about both shows, now I just nee to find the time to watch them.
    I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t been having the best year so far. I hope that everything will get better for you soon!! ❤ Also, I'm very sorry to hear about your grandpa. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right! Winter can end now! 😛
      Yas! You need to watch both… I had to put Haunting of Hill House on hold to watch ER from the library, but I can’t wait to get back into it. I love everything about it, I just hope the second season will be just as great even though it’s a whole new story and cast.
      I can’t say enough about a Series of Unfortunate Events. So. Damn. Good!
      Thank you ❤️ My March has been a lot better so far, so fingers crossed my year starts to turn around!

      Liked by 1 person

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